A bad case of stripes davidshannon

A Bad Case of Stripes - Nana Isoda

  • Exposition

    Main character was Camilla Cream. She loved lima beans but she didn't eat any. She was worried if kids at school think about her.In the first day of school when she was picking her dress, her skin turned into strips! Her mother called the doctor but he said she will be fine.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    Camilla went to school but everyone made fun of her. When they said the Pleage she turned RED, WHITE and BLUE!! She was humiliated. The doctor called the specialist but they turned her intro a colorful medicins. Then the doctor called the experts but they didn't have a clue. The experts made Camilla covered with bacteria and fungi. Everyone knew about her so they were news and it was crowed in her front yard.
  • Climax

    Many people tryed to help her but it became worse. When you look at her, she was covered with lots of things that you couldn't tell it was her. A woman who called her self a enviromental therapist arived at her house. She said "Breathe deeply and become one with your room." Then she turned into a room! The woman ran outside. Her mouth was a bed, the painting was her eyes. She had melted into a room!
  • Falling Action

    A old lady knocked the door saying she could help Camilla. She said, "It is one of worst case of stripes" and offered Camilla some lima beans.She wanted to have a big plates of lima beans but she said YUCK and refused to eat it.When the lady was at the door, she exclaimed wait and told her that the truth is she LOVED lima beans.Then the lady gave her a handful of lima beans into her big mouth. Then she was back to normal again.
  • Resolution

    After that STRIPE PROBLEM she was a different girl. Some kids said she was weird but she didn't care. She had all the lima beans that she can have and she never had stripes again.