A Bad Case of Stripes by Abigail Olatunji

  • Exposition

    The main charater of this story is Camilla Cream, her parents, and the doctor, Dr. Bubble.The main conflict is all kinds of patterns, shapes, sizes, and no one knows a cure for it it just keeps on getting worse. The setting is at home and also at school.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    Camilla goes to school with the stripes but when the pledge of alligence went on camilla's stripes turned into a star and stripes pattern. then the kids started to shout out different patterns and Camilla body responded to them then they turned into all those patterns. Then some parents at school did not want Camilla to go to school with her because they are afraid their kids will catch it too.
  • Climax

    This is when Camilla faces her biggest fear all the kids laugh at her and she gets teased then the children make fun of her because of her patterns and colors. I was a kid that everybody liked but now I an the laughing stock of the school, Camilla said that herself
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    All kinds of doctors.come thebspecialist.and the experts,but all they really do is make things worse than they already are. News cast come to get the latest news on the pattern girl. one lady turned her into her room which wasbthe worst of all
  • Resolution

    One day a sweet lokkingbwoman came and said that she had the cure. She asked Camllia to have w nice platevof lima beans her favorite but because of her fear of being teased she said no but then she overcame it and ate and she got cured. She webt to school the next day, even though some people still called were weird but she didn't care.