Mechling. Franklin Roosevelt

  • The Birth Of FDR

    Franklin Roosevelt was born into a rich familiy in Hyde park, New York.
  • Ohio Help

    James Cox (an Ohio Democrate) chose Franklin as his running mate for President.
  • A Very Hard Problem

    FDR was treated with poliomylitis, or polio, which left him paralyzed him from the waist down, leaving him unable to walk.
  • First, New York Governer

    First, New York Governer
    Franklin was elected governerof New York in 1929, the releceted in 1930.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The darkest days of the Great Depression, which started back in 1929 with the major banks failing.
  • Taking The Office

    Taking The Office
    Franklin took office in 1933, during the time when radio was new.
  • Psychopath

    People were saying that he was insane by making too many organizations.
  • I'm Just Helping...

    Al Smith was the one Franklin helped (of tried to help) be governer, attacked Franklin with insults such as 'the destroyer of the constitution'.
  • Accusing The President

    People were accusing Franklin with not doing enough to change the economic system, but managed to change almost everything else.
  • Another War?!

    Another War?!
    World War II was just starting in Gemany, which ended in 1945.
  • You're Fired!

    Jesse H. Jones was fired from his post as secratary of commerce held a grudge against Franklin, but said, "You just can't help liking that fellow."
  • A Painful Loss

    A Painful Loss
    FDR dies at Warm springs by a cerebral hemorrhage.