• Period: to

    1980 Decade - Political Education

  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    DOE created 6 mos before Reagan elected; Tremendous growth of programs- $4 million spent on 20 programs in1960; $15 billion spent in 1980 on 150 programs
  • Election Year

    Election Year
    Reagan elected 1980 defeating incumbent democrat Jimmy Carter; American hostages at U.S. embassy in Iran probably influenced election.
  • Period: to

    Education on top of the National Political Agenda

  • Budget Reconciliation Act - ECIA/ESEA

    Republican Bill introduced Education Consolidation and Improvement Act (ECIA) to completely redo Elementary and Secondary Education (ESEA). Reauthorized for 6 years. Engineered by OMB's Stockman. Consolidated education programs; included Kemp-Roth tax cut; assuring federal revenue growth would slow dramatically; cut Great Society Programs
  • Secretary of Education

    Reagan's secretary of Education Terrell "Ted" Bell, appointed National Council on Excellence in Education as a way of shoring up department and keeping it from being abolished
  • NGA

    National Governors’ Association (NGA) convinced Ted Bell that what the Governors (and therefore the nation) needed was data comparing state data of student achievement.
  • Wall Chart

    Wall Chart debut ed to the fury of educators and politicians. The Chart, a comparison of states, showed ACT and SAT scores, poverty rates, teacher salaries and dropout rates.
  • Presidential Election

    1984 Re-election campaign, education scarcely mentioned; major campaign issues were the budget deficit and free trade.
  • Ted Bell Resigns

    Resigned after Reagan won 2nd term and cut education
    spending. Only Lyndon Johnson, and to a degree Jimmy Carter, had exceeded what Bell accomplished for education.
  • Bill Sect'y of Education

    Bill Sect'y of Education
    Ted Bell's successor as Secretary of Education. Had enormous impact on changing the governance of the third-largest school district (Chicago) in the nation.
  • NAEP

    Bennett appointed commission to examine & make recommendations. Led to substantial improvements of the use of data collected and disseminated by the feds as a lever for change.
  • A Time for Results

    National Governor’s Association (NGA) made of state Governors such as Richard Riley, later Clinton’s Secretary of Education and Tennessee governor Lamar Alexander issued A Time for Results

    Hawkins-Stafford ECIA/ESEA
    Major bill introduced 5/21/1987 to reauthorize ECIA/ESEA. Coupled with amendments banning telephone services that allow callers to listen to pornographic msgs.
  • Period: to

    Education back on top of National Political Agenda

  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    George H.W. Bush, Reagan’s former Vice President, unchallenged for the Republican nomination. Education not a topic of discussion or concern during election. End of Reagan era where education was seen as a battle over appropriations.
  • NGA

    George H. W. Bush (Reagan’s former VP) challenged business execs to accept assignment to work with specific state Governor and state leaders (same group that issued A Time for Results) to help improve schools by forming National Educational Goals. Beginning of significant role of business in influencing educational policy. Is this the beginning of a shift of focus for the “crisis in education”? Is the role of schools to produce a productive work force?
  • Nat'l Education Goals

    President to announce the National Educational Goals in his State of the Union message with the governors adopting them at their annual winter meeting in early February.
  • Iraq invaded Kuwait

    Iraq invaded Kuwait shifting attention from Education to the a counterattack to force Iraq out of Kuwait
  • Secretary of Education

    Bill Bennett’s successor Lauro Cavazos removed and replaced by Lamar Alexander.