
  • May 1, 1520

    Ferdinand Magellan's Voyage

    on Ferdinand Magellan's voyage the ships signal each other by firing cannons and raising flags
  • Jan 22, 1560

    Camera Obscura invented

    camera obscura was invented, which is primative image making
  • First Daily Newspaper

    first daily newspaper is created
  • Atmospheric Steam Engine

    Thoms Newcome invents the atmospheric steam engine
  • First Patent of Typewriter

    Henry Mills patents the typewritter
  • Electric Telegraph

    George Louis patents the very first electric telegraph, the electric telegraph uses electric signals that people use to talk to various people with coded text messages
  • Steamship created

    Jacques Perrier invents the steamship which allows people to travel accroos seas to communicate with others
  • Bicycle created

    early bicycles are invented in Scotland
  • 1st Long Distance Semaphore Telegraph Line

    Claude Chappe invents the first long distance semaphore telegraph line
  • First Photographic Image

    Joseph Nicephore Niecpe achieves the first photographic image, so now people can now communicate with pictures and visuals
  • Typewriter, Braille Printing, and Typographer Invented

    W.A. Burt invents the typewriter, Louis Braille invents braille printing for the blind and William Austin Bart creates a typographer, which is a prodecessor to the typewriter
  • Improvements to Electric Telegraph Line

    Alexander Graham Bell patents and improves the electric telegraph line
  • Thomas Edison Patents the Phonograph

    Thomas Edison patents the phonograph, which is a object that plays recorded sound
  • Eadweard Muybridge Invents High Speed Photography

    Eadwear Muybridge invents high speed photography, and created the first moving pictures that capture motion
  • Fountain Pen Invented

    Lewis Edson Waterman invents the first pratical fountain pen, so now people can communicate through letters.
  • First Four Wheeled Vehicle Created

    Gottlieb Daimler builds the first four-wheeled vehicle, making traveling and communicating a lot easier
  • Emile Berliner Invents Gramophone

    Gramophone, which is a system of recording that can be used over and over again, is invented by Emile Berliner
  • George Eastman Patents Kodak Film

    The Kodak roll film camera is patent by George Eastman, this was a big step in visual communications history
  • Almon Strowger Patents the Direct Dial Telephone

    the direct dial teleohone a.k.a automatic telephone exchange is patented by Almon Strowger, making communication by phone a lot more efficient
  • Guglielmo Marconi Improves Wireless Telegraphy

    Guqlielmo Marconi improves wireless telegraphy, which is a type of communication where messages are sent long distances by using radio
  • First Answering Machines Created

    the first answering machines are created
  • First Radio Receiver Successfully Recieves a Radio Transmission

    The very first radio reciever, recieves a radio transmission successfully, this was a major step in long distance communication.
  • 1st Radio Signal Across the Atlantic Ocean

    Guglielmo Marconi transmits radio signals from Cornwell to Newfoundland, the first radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The Wright Brothers

    The Wright brothers invent the first gas motored and manned airplane
  • Lee Deforest Invents the Triode

    Lee Deforest invents the electronic amplifying tube or triode - this allowed all electronic signals to be amplified improving all electronic communications
    examples: telephones and radios.
  • 1st Cross Continetal Call

    First cross continental telephone call made.
  • 1st Radio's with Tuners

    First radios with tuners, this allows people to turn to different stations
  • Invention of T.V.

    The television or iconoscope invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin - first television camera.
  • Invention of the Mechanical T.V.

    The mechanical television a precursor to the modern television, invented by John Logie Baird.
  • 1st T.V. Signal

    John Logie Baird transmits the first television signal
  • 1st Tape Recorder for Broadcasting

    Joseph begun invents the first tape recorder for broadcasting first magnetic recording.
  • Ballpoint Pen is Invented

    The ballpoint pen invented by Ladislo Biro
  • Z3 is Invented

    Konrad Zuse's Z3, the first computer controlled by software
  • Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Technique Created

    Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil invent frequency hopping spread spectrum communication technique
  • Mark 1 put into Public Service

    Computers like Harvard's Mark I put into public service - government owned - the age of Information Science begins.
  • Mobile Phones Invented

    Mobile phones first invented. Although cell phones were not sold commercially until 1983.
  • Network T.V. Begins

    Network television starts in U.S
  • Computers Hit the Market

    Computers are first sold commercially.
  • Computer Language is Invented

    Fortran (computer language) invented
  • Geosynchronous Communication Satelite is Launched

    First geosynchronous communications satellite is launched
  • Zip Codes Invented

    Zip codes invented in the United States.
  • First Successful Fax Machine

    Xerox invents the Telecopier - the first successful fax machine
  • 1st Internet Started

    ARPANET - the first Internet started
  • 1st Cell Phone Communication Network

    First cellular phone communication network started in Japan
  • 1st Laptop Sold Commercially

    First laptop computers sold to public
  • 1st Celluar Phone Network in the U.S.

    first celluar network is started in the U.S.
  • Worldwide Web is Created

    Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau built the prototype system which became the World Wide Web at CERN
  • WWW is Born

    American government releases control of internet and WWW is born - making communication at lightspeed
  • Vocaltec is Invented

    the first VoIP software is released called Vocaltec and allows voice calls over the internet
  • Email beats Postal Mail

    for the first time there are more emails sent then postal mail in the U.S.
  • The Birth of Weblogs

    Internet weblogs begin to appear
  • The Internet Era Begins

    Ex-President Bill Clinton announces a new website that will be able to search all government resources and AOL memebership surpases 28 million. The internet becomes a very popular form of communication.