911 jacking


By KM3136
  • Not the first time

    Not the first time
    There was a bombing in the trading center before 9/11. The bombing had killed 6 people.
  • Death

    On 9/11 nearly 3,000 people had died in that tragity. 9/11 was a plain that crashed into the world traid centers.
  • Take it

    Take it
    Some terourists stole two airplanes and those airplanes were part of 9/11. One plane crashed into the world trading center minutes later the second one did the samething. The second one to hit was the first building to fall.
  • Normal Day

    Normal Day
    Plane PeopleAt 7:00am on September 11th the flight 11 bourded. All of these people got on the plane not nowing what was going to happen. There was 81 passangers and 11 crew members on that plane.
  • The next pane

    The next pane
    Plane 2At 8:15am September 11th Flight 175 what hijacked. The plane carried 56 passengers and 9 crew members. It came to plane 175 that Flight 11 was hijacked.
  • it all happens

    it all happens
    9/11The plane was sending off a radio signal because Atta was holding down the wrong button. After a while he still was doing the samething and he didnt even know. Atta made a 100 degree turn tward New York. He told the passengers that they were on the way back to the airport.
  • Flight attendant

    Flight attendant
    The Flight 11 Attendant, Amy Sweeney had called Michael Woodward at the American Airlines Flight Services Office. Amy told him that there was a rapid change in direction. She also said that the plane had been hijacked.
  • The first TV on the Crash

    The first TV on the Crash
    Everyone had heard that the planes were stollen. The first TV station on the sight was brodcast locally in New York. The report was only 2 minutes after the first plane had hit the building.
  • Phone call from the plane

    Phone call from the plane
    Lee hanson got a call from his son the day of 9/11. Lee's son Peter had called his dad and told him that there was something wrong. Peter said that his dad should call the American Flight Asociation and tell them there is something wrong with flight 175.
  • Flight 175 crashes

    Flight 175 crashes
    At 9:03am Flight 175 crashes at about 590 mph. They crashes in to the south sid of the south tower. Lee Hanson was talking to his son on the plane when they crashed.
  • The pentegon

    Everyone heard about the pentegon but no one knew what happend. They didn't know much all they know is there was an exsplosion in the pentegon. Later they found out that is was a plane thet had flew into it.
  • Firefighters

    The south Tower had fallen and the firefighter cheif sent out a transmition saying get out. Most firefighters didn't receive this transmition so they were killed. There were 343 firefighters that had died in the trade centers.
  • Just saved

    Just saved
    Fred Eichler, a 54-year-old insurance broker was on his way to the bathroom when he was stopped for a chat. This chat saved his life that day because he saw the plane and left. Janice Brooks, 42, a personal assistant from Brentwood, Essex. Janice was going for a quick walk if she wouldnt have gone she would have been killed in 9/11.
  • Flight 93

    Flight 93
    At 9:30am Flight 93 had been hijacked. The captain came threw the speakers and said that they should remain calm. The piolot said that there was a bomb on the plane.
  • Another radio

    Another radio
    From flight 93 that had been hijacked the piolot said that there was a bomb. He said that they were going back to the airport to meet the demands. He repeatedly told everyone to remain seated.