

By aaronk
  • confedation congress

    confedation congress
    The Articles of confederation established a system of cooperation, or, "legue of freindship" among independent states.
  • Three-fifths compromise?

    Three-fifths compromise?
    The three fifths compromise was proposed by a Pennsylvanian delegate,Wilson at the constitutional convention of 1787 as a compromise between Southerners and Northerners over how to count slaves for the purposes of determining representation in the House of Representatives and for taxation. This allowed for southern slave holding states to count each of their slaves as 3.5th's of their population. This is significant because population determined how many seats each state received in the House of
  • The Great Compromise of 1787

    The Great Compromise of 1787
    centered on how many representatives each state should have in the new government's lawmaking branch, the U.S. Congress. As is often the case in government and politics, resolving a great debate, required a Great Compromise.
    The Constitutional Convention took place at the State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    The Constitution was drafted in fewer than 100 working days.
    There were 55 delegates to the Convention.
    Rhode Island did not send delegates to the Convention, so only 12 of the 13
  • Federal Farmer No. 1 (Virginia)

    Federal Farmer No. 1 (Virginia)
    The Antifederalist Federal Farmer says the proposed Constitution "appears to be a plan retaining some federal features, but to be the first important step, and to aim strongly, to one consolidated government of the United States." We ought not to hastily adopt this plan supported by "ambitious, impatient, or disorderly men." He shares a deep regret: "The non-attendance of eight or nine men, who were appointed members of the convention, I shall ever consider as a very unfortunate event to the U.S