kite runner

By rabiah
  • constitution

    (Abdurrahman is succeeded in 1901 by his son habibullah khan)
    1901 AD
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    In late july 1919 at peace talks held inTashkent
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    British and Afghan forces signed treaty in 1919
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    In 1919,Afghanistan gained independence from british occupying forces.
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    The 1964 constitution has proclaims islam the sacred religion of Afghanistan.
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    Elections are held in 1965 (and in 1969)
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    In 1973 king zahir shah was overthrown in a coup by his cousin and former prime miniter Muhammad daud.
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    the constitutions of Afghanistan
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    In 1977 as an independent politicall social organization of afghan women fighting for human rights and for social justice in Afghanistan
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    April 1978 in Afghanistan, rawa's activities were confined to agitation for women's rights and demoracy.
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    In April 1978 leftist military officers overthrew and killed daud and PDPA leader noor muhammad taraki became president.
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    since 1978 the soviet presence has been gradully increasing in Afghanistan
  • constitutions

    In march 1979 a resistance group declares a jihad,or holy war,against the godless regime in kabul
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    In Decenber 1979,rawa became directly involved in the war of resistance
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    In december 1979 rawa because directly invovled in the war of resistance
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    Early in 1980 the security council met to consider a response to the soviet intervention.
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    In 1994 the taliban emerges
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    In 1994 Afghanistan was carved up among the various factions.
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    In early 1994 the taliban attacked the headquarters of a local commander.
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    Herat falls to tailban in sept 1995.
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    In january 1995 the talibadn advanced on kabul.
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    in 1996 fighting shifted to the east,and the string of talibad
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    fighting resumed in 1997 as the taliban attacked the predominantly uzbek junbish forces
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    In 1998 the taliban renew thier attack on mazar-e-sharif.
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    Ausgust 1998,the united states launched air strikes against reputed training camps.
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    In mid-2000 the taliban became a sub army of osama bin laden.