Ho Chi Minh and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh (leader of China) declares that this form of government in Vietnam is the only legal one. This is recognised by Soviet Union and China; Australia supports French-sponsored government of Emperor Bao; US provides economic and military aid to the French in Indochina (Vietnam). -
French are defeated by Viet Minh
This takes place after 55 day siege at Dien Bien Phu. Ends French occupation/colonism/presence in Indochina. -
South Vietnamese visit to Australia
The South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem visits Australia. Prime Minister Menzies reaffirms Australia's support of South Vietnam. -
Viet Cong are formed
The National Liberation Front for South Vietnam (communist military group) are formed by Hanoi leaders. They want a fully communist Vietnam. -
Military Advisors from Australia
Reginald Townley (Minister for Defence) announces Australia's intentions of sendign 30 military advisors to South Vietnam (SVN). -
The AATTV arrive
The first group of Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) arrive in South Vietnam. -
Ngo Dinh Diem and brother murdered
The South Vietnam President and his brother are murdered in a military coup - known beforehand that it was going to occur by the US Government. -
Lyndon B. Johnson becomes US President
The US reaffirm they will continue to support South Vietnam against communism; 15 000 'advisors' serve in South Vietnam by the year's end, giving $500mil in aid to South Vietnam at the same time. -
Battle of Long Tan
D Company, 6 RAR, strength of 108 men, battles North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and Viet Cong (VC) forces estimated at between 1500 and 2500 until relieved by A Company, carried in by armoured personnel carriers of 3 Troop, 1 APC Squadron. The enemy leaves 245 bodies on the battlefield while 17 Australian infantrymen and one APC crewman are killed. The Company earns the US Presidential Citation. -
Murder at My Lai Village
Roughly 450 unarmed people/civilians are massacred by US soldiers at My Lai. -
Second Moratorium March
Around 100 000 people take part in a second Moratorum March in Australia. -
Third anti-war rally
The third and last of the big anti-war rallies (part of the moratorium movement) occurs. Roughly 110 000 people protest in state capitals. -
Peace in Vietnam?
The US and North Vietnam sign a peace agreement.