Las vegas flight

Flight Timeline

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci is born

    Leonardo Da Vinci is born
    On April 15, 1452, Leonardo Da Vinci was born. He was born in Vinci, Italy. He is a well known artist, but he was also involved in flight. He created gliders and other things.
  • Sir John Cayley is born

    Sir John Cayley is born
    Sir George Cayley is born on December 27, 1773. He was born in Scarborough, Yorkshire, England. He did many tests and experiments to do with flight.He mostly worked on design of aircraft. He tried to find the best design for aircrafts.
  • Joseph Michel Montgolfier and Jaques Etienne Montgolfier launch the first montgolfier

    Joseph Michel Montgolfier and Jaques Etienne Montgolfier launch the first montgolfier
    On June 5, 1783, Joseph and Jaques Montgolfier launched the first montgolfier hot air balloon. At Annonay, the balloon was set up. Then, when the balloon was launched, it covered more than a mile and lasted 10 minutes.
  • Wilbur Wright is born

    Wilbur Wright is born
    Wilbur Wright, a creator of the first flying vehicle, was born on this day in Millville, Indiana, USA. He is Orville Wright's older brother.
  • Orville Wright is born

    Orville Wright is born
    Orvill Wright was born on August 19, 1871. He is Wilbur Wright's younger brother. The two of them built the first flying vehicle.
  • Thomas Octave Murdoch Sopwith was born

    Thomas Octave Murdoch Sopwith was born
    On January 18, 1888, Thomas Octave Murdoch Sopwith was born in London, England. He is a british aircraft designer.
  • Wilbur R. Franks is born

    Wilbur R. Franks is born
    W.R. Franks invented the G- suit. THe G- suit is a suit that is used to protect pilots from passing out during flight. The G- suit is an anti-gravity suit.
  • Orville Wright takes off

    Orville Wright takes off
    Orville Wright is the first person to fly. He designed the first flying vehicle with his brother Wilbur Wright. They were the first to discover the aerofoil, which helps to produce lift. They carried out a series of scientific experiments before they managed to create the flying vehicle.
  • Elizabeth "Elsie" MacGill was born.

    Elizabeth "Elsie" MacGill was born.
    On March 27, 1905, Elizabeth MacGill was born. Elsie is the first female aircraft designer in the world. She never learned to fly, but accompanied the pilots on al test flights, including the first one.
  • Thomas Sopwith learns to fly

    Thomas Sopwith learns to fly
    Thomas Sopwith learnerd to fly on October 22, 1910. He crashed after going 300 yards. However, he was unhurt, so he got another plane and practiced going up an down the runway before taking off. This time, his attempt was successful.
  • Marc Garneau is born

    Marc Garneau is born
    Marc Garneau is born.
    see Dr. Marc Garneau goes into space
  • Dr. Marc Garneau goes into space

    Dr. Marc Garneau goes into space
    Marc Garneau went into space on October 5, 1984. He is the first Canadian in space. He went on 3 space missions and was in space for more than 677 hours.
  • We will discover how to make a plane fly over the Pacific Ocean in less than 13 hours.

    We will discover how to make a plane fly over the Pacific Ocean in less than 13 hours.
    In 2050, I think we will discover a way to make planes fly over the Pacific Ocean in less than 13 hours. We have come so far already, and I think we can go farther.
  • The world's best plane is invented

    The world's best plane is invented
    The world's best plane is very fast and can fly long distances as well. It can cross the Pacific Ocean in 8 hours only! This way, many people will not get airsick and there will be less sickness on planes. The ticket comes with free lodging if needed so the poor people can get good flights and a stay at the same time.
  • We will have a plane that can travel very far quickly

    We will have a plane that can travel very far quickly
    This plane is a cargo plane. It can travel very fast, but can keep the cargo from breaking too. It is padded and has straps to secure the products. The shipping is very cheap, but quick because this is a service to promote free trade.