Civil war soldiers

American Civil War

  • Causes of War

    Causes of War
    There are several causes to the Civil War. First, economic differences,(due to the invention of cotton gin, cotton businesses became lucrative. Harvesting cotton required manual labour that slaves could fll in. Production of cotton brought economic prosperity to the entire nation in the first half of 19th century. The North went through Industrial Revolution.) westward expansion, slaveholders v.s abolishionists and Lincoln's election
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    Due to the gold rush, the West were being more developed, but the question about slavery remained unsolved. Worried that slavery might cause a major conflict in Union, Daniel Wbster of Massachusetts, John Calhoun of South Carolina, And Henry Clay of Kentucky worked together to draft a new compromise. The new compromise introduced popular soverignty which allowed local residents to decide on the issue of slavery. Prior to this, there was the Missouri Compromisein 1821 that prevented slavery from
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    A bestselling novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It is acknowledged by Lincoln to stir up support for abolition. It illustruated harsh living and inequality of slaves, and adocated abolition for a Christian cause. The novel was written based on true stories happened in different time periods but not to the novel's characters.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    A conflict between pro-slavery supporters and 'free-soil" settlers took place in Kansass John Brown who was the leader of "free-soil" side was executed.
  • Dred Scott's case

    Dred Scott's case
    Dred Scott was a former slave who moved with his master to the North and back to the South. He claimed freedom but was rejected by the Supreme Court because the Chief Justice Roger Taney argued that the federal government had no rights to prohibit slavery since slaves were counted as properties and the Bill of Rights prohibited government from unjustly depriving people of their property.
  • The Election of 1860

    The Election of 1860
    First, Stephen Douglas of Illinois was supposed to represent the Democrat party but failed to gain Southern support because he supported popular sovereignty but refused to gain protection for slavery. Second, Southern Democrate candidates assembled seperately and nominated vice president John Breckingridge as their candidate. Third, some former Whigs fearing the seperation of the country formed the Constitutional Union Party. Finally, the Republican party selected moderate Abraham Lincoln.
  • Forming of Confederate States of America

    Forming of Confederate States of America
    South Carolina became the first seceded state. The Confederate States of America (CSA) was formed consisted of 11 slave states.
  • Anaconda Plan

    Anaconda Plan
    General-in-Chief WInfield Scott's plan to blockade southern ports intending to cut off supplies to the South.
  • Jefferson Davis's inaugural address

    Jefferson Davis's inaugural address
    The CSA appointed Jefferson Davis as president. Davis argued that secession did not violate terms of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter --- civil war had begun!

    Attack on Fort Sumter --- civil war had begun!
    Fort Sumter was a naval base that guarded the harbour of Charleston in South Carolina. Jefferson Davis ordered confederate troops to attack Fort Sumpter. Lincoln declared that the federal government would defend the fort (this was smart becuase so that Lincoln had a rightful execuse to stir up northern support for the war), although he did hesitated. Before Northern ships arrived, the Fort was captured, with only 2 wounded on Union side.
  • The Battle of Bull Run

    The Battle of Bull Run
    Lincoln wanted a quick victory to preserve the Union. Union troops attacked Confederate capitol of Richmond. Union troops lost the battle of Bull Run. Lincoln then appointed George MaClellan as commander of the Army Of the Potomac, a main Union army.
  • The Trent Insident

    The Trent Insident
    Union navy stopped and search a British vessel, two confederate agents were on board going to Europe to try to gain recognition of Confederate States of America. The British parliament was discontent about the action. Union government apologized and release the two agents.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Union victory led by Ulysses S. Grant in Tennessee
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Union scouts found a copy of General Lee's plans. Union troops stopped confederate troops from advancing at Antietam. Antietam was the bloodies battle fought on American soil with 6,000 killed and 18,000 wounded.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Emancipation transformed the primary cause of war from preserving the Union to abolish slavery. Lincoln did not publish the Proclamation right after it was written because Union army was losing battles. Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in America
  • Battle of Gettysburg (Pennsylvania)

    Battle of Gettysburg (Pennsylvania)
    The battle went on from July 1 to July 3. Two years fighting in the South did not gain the Union significant victory. This was the first battle fought in the North. Gerneral Lee intended to capture Gettysburg, a strategic point and surround Washington to force the Union to sue for peace. Union general George Meade was determined to hold the place. WIth some initial success, General Lee launched the Picket's Charge which proved to be a failure.Union victory.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    General Grant captured Vicksburg and gained control of the Missisipi River. General Grant was appointe general-in-chief in 1864
  • Atlanta to Appomattox

    Atlanta to Appomattox
    Close to the end of war, General Grant and Sherman began destroying Southern properties and cities to reduce southern morale. Many Southern states were ruined.
  • Lincoln's Second Term

    Lincoln's Second Term
    Lincoln ran against General McClellan for president. Lincoln won by a narrow victory. In his short second inaugural speech, he emphasized on reconstructing the south, and reinforced the cause of the war.