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LGBTQ History at Middlebury

  • Gay People at Middlebury

    Gay People at Middlebury -- the first official LGBTQ student group at Middlebury -- has its first meeting.
  • Faculty organize to include sexual orientation in nondiscrimination statement

    Professors Richard Cornwall and David Prouty organize to have the faculty pass a recommendation that the college include sexual orietnation in its nondiscrimination statement
  • GPM becomes MLGA

    Gay People at Middlebury is reorganized as the Middlebury Lesbian and Gay Alliance (MLGA) . The following year it is renamed again as the the Middlebury Lesbian Gay Straight Alliance.
  • Queer Studies House okayed

  • MOQA disbands, citing disinterest

    Facing a diminished membership, low community participation and the absence of members willing to serve as co-chairs for next year’s organization, the leadership of the Middlebury Open Queer Alliance (MOQA) announces its intention to pursue the formal disbandment of the College’s only student-run LGBTQ group. Read more
  • Q&A (Queers and Allies) forms

    Following a queer organizing meeting attended by students, faculty, and staff, steps are taken to form a new LGBTQ organization called Queers and Allies, or Q&A for short.
  • First Q&A meeting

    The newly-formed Q&A hosts its first meeting in Carr Hall Lounge.
  • Carr Hall Intercultural Center Plan Approved

    Dean of the College and Vice President for Student Affairs Shirley Collado announces the approval of a new Intercultural Center in Carr Hall that will serve to provide students with a space to embrace diversity on campus. Article from The Campus