Afghanistan Timeline

  • The beginning of modern Aghanistan

    army return home after his death.
  • Ahmad Shah Durrani

    founded the monarchy that ruled the country until 1973
  • Kabul is taken

    Afghan tribe, the Barakzai, led on this occasion by Dost Mohammed - the twentieth but the most forceful of the twenty-one sons of the tribal chieftain.
  • Two Anglo-Afghan Wars

    British army is assembled in India for an Afghan campaign
  • Afghan Women's History

    A woman from the small village of Khig, named Malalai, played a major role in the battle of Maiwand during the second Anglo-Afghan war.
  • Abdurrahman Khan and his successors

    Abdurrahman is followed on the throne by three generations of his family. Read more:
  • Zahir Shar and Daud Khan

    In a reign of forty years Zahir Shah skilfully promotes Afghan interests. Once again neutrality is successfully maintained during a World War.
  • slow and gradual change occurred for women

    First secondary female school was established in Kabul.
  • King Zahir Shah

    overthrown in a coup by his cousin and former Prime Minister, Muhammad Daud. Daud declared Afghanistan a republic, with himself as president, and the King went into exile in Italy.
  • Effects of the War

    curtailed the output of manufacturing, as it did for coal mining. Some production facilities, such as the Kabul bakeries, were damaged. Shortages of agricultural raw materials plagued certain industries, and there were also serious shortages of skilled labor
  • The Soviet Invasion

    Moscow signed a new bilateral treaty of friendship and cooperation with Afghanistan, and the Soviet military assistance program increased significantly
  • Soviet intervention

    precious and semiprecious stones were a major industry in Afghanistan. Eighty percent of the world's lapis lazuli had come from the country.
  • Manufacturing

    the manufacturing sector was still at an early stage of development. Other than handicrafts, the importance of manufacturing to the economy was relatively slight compared with mining.
  • Security Council

    Security Council met to consider a response to the Soviet intervention, but a draft resolution condemning it was not passed, due to the negative vote of the USSR.
  • chief engineer

    report was published by the chief engineer of the Afghan Geological Survey Department of Soviet uranium mining in Afghanistan. It revealed that uranium production was begun in the mountains of Khawaja Rawash north of Kabul after the discovery of deposits in 1983
  • Mining

    Afghanistan produced large amounts of natural gas and was preparing to exploit further other natural resource deposits.
  • Mining

    Afghanistan produced large amounts of natural gas and was preparing to exploit further other natural resource deposits.
  • hydrocarbon resource

    Afghanistan's second major hydrocarbon resource. It was the oldest fuel industry, dating back to shortly after World War I
  • General Assembly

    began a separate consideration of the human rights
    situation in Afghanistan
  • Karmal was replaced

    Karmal was replaced as PDPA leader by Mohammad Najibullah, who subsequently became President in November 1987.
  • The Geneva Accords and Their Aftermath

    the tenacious Afghan resistance movement was exacting a high price from the Soviets, both militarily within Afghanistan and by souring the U.S.S.R.'s relations with much of the Western and Islamic world.
  • Rise and Fall Of The Taliban

    Afghanistan was carved up among the various factions
  • Cliford D. May, National Post

    NATO forces and their local allies have been battling Taliban militia and terrorists
  • Islamic traditionalists and ethnic leaders began an armed revolt,

    they controlled much of Afghanistan's rural areas.