War in the North 1775-1778

  • Boston

    troops head to concord for an uprising against the British to seize and destroy everything possible
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    British were told to destroy American militia supplys that were being assembled in Concord MA. Thanks to Paul Revere, Militia knew of this occurance and defeated the british while they were crossing the bridge.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    British head to Bunker hill and launch two attacks and win against the Americans loosing many men but being told that they were now in a revolution.
  • Capture of Montreal

    Contenential congress organize continental army and the americans march to montreal baeting the British there with defeat.
  • Assualt on Quebec

    American forces go to attack Quebec. They dont have enough supplys and Quebec is fortified so they wait a while. The daay the attack begins there is a snow storm and all supplys didnt work.
  • British Fleet Arrives in New York

    British want to capture NY and they land on what they planned to use as an assault area but on july 3rd the Declaration of Independance was approved.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Americans sent men to slow down Brtitish operations on Long Island while the Americans get ready for the Manhatten attack. In the dark british head for manhaten catching the Americans by surprise.
  • Battle of White Plains

    Americans get ready on high grounds and British launch attack. The attack did not go as planned for the British so the leader stops the battle and gets his supplys ready which was good for the americans.
  • Retreat from NY

    The Continental army wants British trrops to take part in the advantages to make diversion about Trenton. Different states like New Jersey would benefit from this.
  • The American crisis

    Americans want freedom and are mad at Britain for taxation which started this war and taken many lives. They want independance.
  • Battle of Trenton

    British army is done for the winter and the Americans are still going and attack Trenton by surprise capturing many of the people.
  • Battle of Priceton

    Americans attack British in New jersey and head for Princeton. they pushed the British away and got 8,000 more recutes to join their army.
  • Conduct of the enemy

    Everyone is loosing there lives and getting injured in this war. War has caused cruelty amoung the Americans who are trying to get freedom amoung their rights with greedy and cruelty.
  • Battle of Tritonderoga

    Britain trys to seperate Newengland states from the country but Tritonderoga was the obstacle . British set up cannons on high grounds of Sugar Loaf Mt. and the americamns leave
  • Seige of Fort Stanwix

    British troops go to Fort Stanwix where they dont srrender the Americans. The Americans then go and spread rumors that leader Benedict Arnold is on his way, the british belive this and leave so the Americans win with a lie.
  • Battle of Brandywine

    British split up their amy and sent 5000 people to George Washington and the rest to the Continental army (Americans) many Americans were killed.
  • Valley Forge

    It is the winter and many armys are getting very sick from this sickly chilled waether. Soligers are out of energy and warmth. Suffering everything for the benefit of freedom for America.
  • George Washington Valley Forge

    Continental army must rest and obtain subsistence. Not many troops being supplyed and not enough supplys for troops themselves during these cold months.
  • John banister

    American Army is going to suceed with difficulity and delay.Americans will not be able to sacrifice war for the name of the country because they will be without energy.
  • Battle of Monmouth

    British leaders are concerned that their position in Philidelphia is going under attack by the french so they leave and while leaving Americans attack them.
  • Battles of saratoga

    The British order two attacks in Saratoga and both fail so the british withdraw from saratoga. this is the turning point in the war for Independance.
  • Capture of Savannah

    British forces land at savannah and Americans and French try to recapture Savannah but fail becaue it remains to the British.