
Ch. 6 by Kara T. in 7th per

By ktiota
  • Nōndum lūcet, sed Cornēlia surgit et per vīllam ambulat.

    Nōndum lūcet, sed Cornēlia surgit et per vīllam ambulat.
    It is not yet light, but Cornelia gets up an walks through the country house.
  • Nōn tamen dormiunt servī et ancillae.

    Nōn tamen dormiunt servī et ancillae.
    However, the slaves and the slave women do not sleep.
  • Iam surgunt Cornelius et Aurēlia.

    Iam surgunt Cornelius et Aurēlia.
    Now Cornelius and Aurelia get up.
  • Davum reprehendit quod sub arbore sedet neque labōrat.

    Davum reprehendit quod sub arbore sedet neque labōrat.
    He blames Davus becuase he sits under a tree and does not work.
  • Davus, ubi Cornelium audit, statim surgit et labōrāre parat.

    Davus, ubi Cornelium audit, statim surgit et labōrāre parat.
    Davus, when he hears Cornelius, immediately gets up and prepares to work.
  • Aurēlia Cornēliam docet vīllam cūrāre.

    Aurēlia Cornēliam docet vīllam cūrāre.
    Aurelia teaches Cornelia how to take care of the country house.
  • Ancillae vīllam pūrgant, cibum coquunt, lānam trahunt.

    Ancillae vīllam pūrgant, cibum coquunt, lānam trahunt.
    The slave women clean the country house, cook the food, and spin wool.
  • Mātrem observat Cornelia et omnia quae mater facit facere parat.

    Mātrem observat Cornelia et omnia quae mater facit facere parat.
    Cornelia observes mother, and everything mother does she prepares to do.
  • Mātrem adiuvāre vult, sed ipsa neque servum neque ancillam reprehendit.

    Mātrem adiuvāre vult, sed ipsa neque servum neque ancillam reprehendit.
    She wants to help mother, but she does not scold the slave or the slave woman.
  • Cornēlia ancillam, nōmine Syram, observant quae vīllam purgat et alteram, nomine Thressam, quae cibum coquere parat.

    Cornēlia ancillam, nōmine Syram, observant quae vīllam purgat et alteram, nomine Thressam, quae cibum coquere parat.
    Cornelia observes a slave woman, named Syra, who cleans the country house, and another named Thressa, who prepares to cook the food.