1920's Timeline

  • End of the Palmer Raids

    End of the Palmer Raids
    Palmer Raids were accomplished by U.S. Justice System to arrest radicals, mostly anarchists; they stopped during January 1920, under the leadership of Palmer. They deported over 500 foreign citizens. The raid was due to the Red Scare, it was to try to give Americans more peace that was living in fear of a dictatorship.
  • The end of the Red Scare

    The end of the Red Scare
    The red scare was based on worker (socialist) revolution and political radicalism; it was bombs were sent through the mail to numerous people. This created xenophobia to the people of the U.S. During 1920 several states began to enact the criminal syndicalism" laws out-lawing advocacy of violence in effecting and securing socail change. The restrictions included free speech limitations.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti

    Sacco and Vanzetti
    Sacco and Vanzetti are accused with robbery and homiside charges. This creates xenophobia throughout the country. This is also a onesided trial because the italians are known as the "New America" at this time, so they are being judged because of their race and not because of facts, leading to a unfair trial. Updated data concludes that one of them may have not, but one may have.
  • Womens Right to Vote

    Womens Right to Vote
    The 19th amendment was established to the United States Constitution, grants women the right to vote. This can also be known as the Susan B. Anthony act, to recognize her patriotism in this issue.
  • The United States Quota Act

    The United States Quota Act
    The United States Quota Act is established. Xenophobia florishes because of Sacco and Vensetti, the red scare, and the Palmer raids, this gives the U.S. an oppertunity to control the immergrant population, other wise known as the U.S. Quota Act.
  • The Miss America Pagent

    The Miss America Pagent
    The first Miss America Pageant was held in Atlantic City, won by Margaret Gorman. This had evolved to a national tradition.
  • Five Power Disarmament Treaty

    Five Power Disarmament Treaty
    An agreement, the Five Power Disarmament Treaty, between the major world powers of the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, and the United States, to limit naval construction, outlaw poison gas, restrict submarine attacks on merchant fleets and respect China's sovereignty.
  • Teapot Dome Scandle

    Teapot Dome Scandle
    Known as the “greatest and most sensational scandal in the history of American politics", the Teapot Dome scandal occurs when the U.S. Secretary Albert B. Fall leases the oil field (the tea pot dome) without the president Harding’s approval. This creates major controversy between the popularity of Harding and whether he allowed the lease.
  • Winter Olympics

    Winter Olympics
    The first Winter Olympics are held in the French Alps, Chamonix. Sixteen nations sent athletes to participate. The U.S. took part and one 4 medals. The Olympics had occurred every year since, except during World War II.
  • President Election

    President Election
    Calvin Coolidge wins the election as president against the democratic nominee John Davis.
  • The Monkey Trial

    The Monkey Trial
    John T. Scopes is convicted to go against the Butler Act, which enforces to not teach evolution in a school environment, but to only teach of what the bible perceives how the earth was created, also known as the monkey trial. At the end of this trial people become skeptic of the bible.
  • First T.V.

    First T.V.
    Television begins to evolve when American inventor Philo Taylor Farnsworth invented a electronic television system, its first success in 1927. The system would be patented three years later on August 26, 1930.
  • First Appearance of Mickey and Minnie

    First Appearance of Mickey and Minnie
    The first appearance of Mickey and Minnie Mouse on film occurs with the animated short film, "Plane Crazy". This soon became a major American craze and still, an American icon to this day.
  • President Election (2)

    President Election (2)
    Herbert Hoover wins election as President of the United States with an Electoral College victory, 444 to 87 over Democratic candidate Alfred E. Smith
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    In Chicago, Illinois, two different sides of Chicago clash, between the north side, which consisted of Irishmen and leader Bugs Moran, and the South side Italian men and leader Al Capone. Al Capone vacationing in Florida at the time hired policemen to kill the 5 Irishmen that was a rival of Al Capone.
  • Stalk Market Crash

    Stalk Market Crash
    Postwar prosperity ends in the 1929 Stock Market crash. The plummeting stock prices led to losses between 1929 and 1931 of an estimated $50 billion and started the worst American depression in the nation's history. The stock market crash was just the piece of the puzzle. The stock market did not make the depression, what did was the fact that nobody was buying anything, because they already had it.
  • End toTeapot Dome Scandle

    End toTeapot Dome Scandle
    The Teapot Dome scandal comes to an end when former secretary of interior, Albert B. Fall is convicted of accepting a $100,000 bribe for leasing the Elk Hills naval oil reserve. He was sentenced to jail along with a 100,000 dollar fine.