Dan's Sports Timeline

  • Baseball MVP

    Baseball MVP
    I won the MVP Award for my baseball team in 1994
  • YMCA Soccer MVP

    YMCA Soccer MVP
    I won the MVP Award for the YMCA Soccer team
  • NAA Basketball MVP

    NAA Basketball MVP
    I won the MVP Award in 1995 for my basketball team
  • YMCA Basketball MVP

    YMCA Basketball MVP
    I won the MVP Award for my YMCA basketball team in 1996
  • YMCA Baseball MVP

    YMCA Baseball MVP
    I won the YMCA MVP award for my team in baseball in 1996
  • Babson Camps

    Babson Camps
    My team won a tournament in basketball camp and we received this granite square with our name on it
  • First Red Sox Game

    First Red Sox Game
    I honestly have a faint recollection of my first Red Sox game. I do remember going with my family and sitting in the Grandstand. Even though I don't remember my first game, I am a huge Red Sox fan and will hopefully continue to go for years and years
  • YMCA Basketball MVP

    YMCA Basketball MVP
    I won the MVP for my YMCA basketball team in 1997
  • Soccer MVP

    Soccer MVP
    I won the MVP Award for my travel soccer team in 1998
  • Futsal

    I played Futsal (indoor soccer) for a couple years with several friends who I also played outdoor soccer with. We always had a great time and winning wasn't so bad either. We won three state championships as part of the Newton Raiders and I was the starting goalie
  • Futsal State Champions

    Futsal State Champions
    The Newton Raiders won Three State Championships while I was the starting goalie
  • Biking

    I think looking back at all of my sporting events, I think that learning how to ride a bike was one of the greatest accomplishments. I had so much trouble learning how to ride a bike but my perseverance paid off and now I love to ride anytime I can.I rode almost every day this summer
  • AAA 2nd Place

    AAA 2nd Place
    I played little league baseball for the Reds in 2000 and I remember that we lost in the championship. I played Shortstop and my good friend Mike Greene played third base. I remember having a great time playing in little league though
  • Wiffleball

    I have been playing Wiffleball for as long as I can remember. I have played my friends and my brothers so many times, I can't even remember how many times. I always loved playing with my best friend Zach and of course my brother. One memory I will always remember is when I beat my oldest brother for the first time.
  • Fastest Kid

    Fastest Kid
    In 5th grade I won the Fastest Kid Award against Colin. We ran around the baseball diamond and I won!
  • Baseball

    Played Shortstop for the Boy's Baseball team in 6th grade
  • Soccer Captain

    Soccer Captain
    I was on the Boy's Soccer B team in 6th grade and was the team captain
  • Basketball Captain

    Basketball Captain
    Played for the boy's basketball team in 6th grade and was voted Captain
  • Baseball

    I played Shortstop for the Boy's baseball team in 7th grade
  • Soccer A Team

    Soccer A Team
    I played Goalie for the Boy's Soccer A Team in 7th grade
  • First Patriots Game

    First Patriots Game
    My first Patriots game I vividly remember. I remember they lost 28-10, that the weather was awful, a little sleet and just down right cold nasty weather. I remember we ate cold hamburgers and watched the Patriots against the Green Bay Packers. I went with my Dad and we sat way up in the stadium, but I do remember it was fun.
  • Basketball A Team

    Basketball A Team
    I played on the Boy's basketball A team
  • Golf

    The first time I played Golf was either with my Dad or at a Golf camp. I have never been good at Golf but sometimes I actually enjoy playing. Most of the time I just get upset and angry but with that said I think I will still continue to play. The picture is of me at the driving range when I was younger.
  • Baseball Captain

    Baseball Captain
    Played for the Boy's Baseball Team and was voted team captain by my teammates
  • Softball with Dad

    Softball with Dad
    My Dad's firm had a softball team called The Fix. My dad let my brother and I play. Even though the team was terrible I had an awesome time playing and having an opportunity to play with my dad and brother was even better. We only played a couple seasons, from 2003-2005.
  • Soccer A Team

    Soccer A Team
    Starting Goalie for the Boy's Soccer A Team
  • Basketball A Team

    Basketball A Team
    Played for the Boy's Basketball A team. Also that year shot a game winning three-pointer!
  • JV Soccer

    JV Soccer
    Was the starting Goalie for the JV Boy's Soccer team. I was also voted the team Captain
  • Freshman Basketball

    Freshman Basketball
    Won the 6th man award for the Freshman Basketball Team and we had the best record in our conference
  • Quit Basketball

    Quit Basketball
    I decided to quit basketball after the Freshman basketball season in 2004. I just wasn't having fun anymore and didn't want to play anymore. In 2007-2008 I decided to take up basketball again because I actually did miss it. Some time off seemed to be a good idea and for me and now I love to play basketball with friends or just shoot around.
  • Baseball Team

    Baseball Team
    Played for the Upper School Boy's Baseball team
  • Coach's Award

    I won the Coach's Award in Baseball in 2005
  • JV Soccer

    JV Soccer
    Starting Goalie for the JV Soccer Team and voted the team Captain. I was also "called up" to Varsity half way through the year to play for the injured goalie
  • Varsity Baseball

    Varsity Baseball
    Played Second base for the Varsity Baseball team then moved out to Right Field
  • Most Improved Award

    I won the Most Improved Award Junior year for baseball
  • Varsity Goalie

    Varsity Goalie
    Starting Varsity Goalie my Junior year. I was very nervous but we ended up winning our conference but lost in the state tournament
  • Fantasy Baseball

    Fantasy Baseball
    I know this probably does not count but I started playing Fantasy Baseball freshman year of college with my brother and a bunch of his friends. I usually have a great team but they usually fall apart right when it comes to playoff time. This year is a bit different, I have a great team and made the playoffs this year and this is the first week of round 1, hopefully I can run the table all the way to the Championship
  • Varsity Baseball

    Varsity Baseball
    Played Right Field for the Varsity Baseball Team and I loved making diving catches out there
  • Period: to

    Intramural Softball

    Played Intramural Softball at WNEC from 2007-2011
  • Wednesday Night Basketball

    Wednesday Night Basketball
    Started playing in a pickup basketball league on Wednesday nights with my older brother. I have been playing since my Freshman summer and hopefully I can continue to play until after I graduate.
  • Varsity Soccer

    Varsity Soccer
    Starting Goalie for the Varsity Soccer Team... Also was injured one game due to my defenseman colliding with me in the penalty box.
  • Period: to

    Intramural Soccer

    Played intramural soccer at WNEC from 2007-2011
  • Intramural Softball

    Intramural Softball
    My friends and I played intramural Softball Freshman year and were terrible. I started at Shortstop. Sophomore year we forgot to sign up and Junior year I studied abroad and therefore was unable to play. I hope we create a team this year
  • Intramural Indoor Soccer

    Intramural Indoor Soccer
    My friends and I played Intramural Indoor Soccer in the gym. We made up t-shirts and called ourselves Windham Whistlers... still not sure why we named ourselves that. Freshman year we were not so good, Sophomore we did a little recruiting and made it to the final where we lost by one goal. We continued our trend Junior year and lost in the playoffs again and hopefully this year we'll make back to the playoffs!
  • Lowell All-Americans

    Lowell All-Americans
    Over the years I have had several sports internships. My Freshman year I interned with the Lowell All-Americans, a summer college baseball team who plays in the NECBL. I had a great experience, learned a lot and met some great people. The field I worked at is pictured
  • Chatham Anglers

    Chatham Anglers
    Another internship that I held was with the Chatham Anglers of the Cape Cod Baseball league. I had a great experience working for the Cape League but it was a bit difficult since I don't have a house on the cape. I made it work and I learned a lot of interesting things
  • Australian Open

    Australian Open
    While studying abroad in Australia a bunch of us traveled to Melbourne to watch the Australian Open
  • Tennis in Australia

    Tennis in Australia
    Started playing Tennis with three friends that I met while studying abroad in Australia. Two or three times a week we played a little round robin tournament
  • Bond World Cup

    Bond World Cup
    While studying abroad I played in a tournament called the Bond World Cup. I was a part of the USA team, we were pretty bad but mostly because we couldn't fill the roster with enough kids. I started at goalie for our team. A few weeks into the tournament I was recruited by the Middle Eastern team to play goalie for them. We were the best team, made it past the first stage and into the championship game. We lost 1-0 in the championship game but the whole experience was amazing
  • FIFA World Cup

    FIFA World Cup
    I went to the World Cup this past summer and it was one of the greatest experiences ever. It was a trip put on by WNEC and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. We did so much while we were there including going to see 4 games, tour of downtown, a tour of Soweto and many educational museums. I had an amazing time!
  • NESN

    This past summer I worked for NESN( New England Sports Network). It is the TV station that the Red Sox are played on. I did a lot of advertising and working on the computer but it was a different and unique experience where I learned a lot
  • Period: to


    I interned with NESN for the summer of 2010
  • New England Revolution

    New England Revolution
    Along with my internship with NESN, I also interned with the New England Revolution for the summer of 2010. I didn't do too much difficult tasks but I certainly learned a lot and met some great people along the way. Working at Gillette Stadium wasn't too bad either.
  • First Injury

    First Injury
    So I had my first injury while playing basketball this summer 2010. I was playing in the Wednesday night pickup and I went up for a layup and came down on my ankle. I could not stand or even put pressure on it. The next day I went to the doctor where he proceeded to tell me that I tore all my ligaments in my right ankle. To make matters worse I was going to Australia in the next few days. So now every time I play sports I have to wear the ankle brace (pictured).