History of space technology

  • Russians launch Sputnik I

    The russians perfect and sucsesfully launch the first craft in space.
  • First live animal in space

    The russians sent a dog named Laika into space in sputnik 2
  • First american sattilite

    The americans launched Explorer 1 after the russians.
  • NASA is born

    NASA is created, and it is a sucess
  • first man in space

    Yuri Gagarin went to space
  • First man on the moon!!!

    Buzz Aldrien and Neil Armstrong land with apollo 11.
  • the first space shuttle lands.

    columbia lands in Edwards
  • First spacecraft to acheive solar orbit

    Ulysses launched and orbited the sun
  • the International Space Station is launched

    A cooopritive thing of 16 countries, including the US, is launched.
  • First weather sattilite

    IMAGE shows pictures of space weather
  • columbia tragedy

    columbia blows up