50s timeline

  • Korean War begins

    Korean War begins
    soviet backed North Korea attacks south Korea backed by the United States
  • Rosenburgs found guilty

    Rosenburgs found guilty
    The rosenburgs were found guilty of wartime espionage and sentenced to death
  • The first hydrogen bomb exploded

    The first hydrogen bomb exploded
    The first hydrogen bomb named mike exploded in the pacific sea at Eniwetok Atoll
  • Eisenhower wins Presidency

    Eisenhower wins Presidency
    Due to his role in winning WWII Eisenhower beats Adlai Stevenson for presidensy
  • Korean War over

    Korean War over
    Fighting in Korea ceases an Armistace is signed
  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    Kids begin being vacinated for polio in Pittsburgh
  • Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on the bus to a white man which spurs a bus boycott.
  • Eisenhower inauguated for second term

  • First US satelite

    Explorer I is launched by the US and discovers the Van Allen Belt
  • Alaska becomes part of the us