• Vichy France

    This is where Nazi government was taking place in France. It was a government that was against the Jewish people.
  • Battle for Britain

    Name for the air force campain waged by germany against Great Britain.
  • Japan joins axis

    Japan joined with th eaxis powers. This way they could become more powerful and achieve their military goals.
  • Period: to

    Baatan death march

    75,000 american and fillipian prisions of war. This is prisoner were tranfered to prison camps. Many were brutally murdered and tortured.
  • Hitler invades Soviet Union

    Hitler signed a non agression act with the soviet union to prevent the spread of communism. He defeated the soviet union so they wouldnt become a problem in the future. He defeated them at their weakest and was successful
  • Pearl Harbor Attacked

    This is where the Japanese performed a surprise attack on the U.S. This attack on the U.S. marked the arrival of the U.S. in World War II.
  • Japanese ambassadors arrive in Washington DC

    Nothing significant happened. They had just come into the U.S. and went into Washington, DC.
  • Germany and Italy decalre war on the U.S.

    After the attack on U.S. by Japan, we declared war on them. In response germany and Italy and Japans allies decleared war on the U.S.
  • MacArthur promises to return

    MacArthur made a promise, "I shall return". He spent the next three years fighting for his promise. He fought against the Japanese for the freedom of the Phillipines.
  • Battle of Coral Sea

    The Japanese were attempting to take over Port Moresby. They were defeated by the U.S. and lost a light carrier, some small ships and a destroyer. This would hurt them in the leter Midway battle in which they lost horribly
  • Battle of Midway

    Japan was looking to destroy the U.S. pacific fleet to use as an advanced base. They were unsuccessful however, because of the communication intelligence that the U.S. had. The Japanese were defeated and the Americans took on the offensive in the Pacific.
  • Period: to


    This was an island taken over by the U.S. in order to deny a Japanese threat on the U.S. and their allies supply routes. Japan was overwhelmed and later defeated.
  • U-boats sink merchan vessels

    Germany was sinking U.S. vessels because we were producing so many. They were trying to weaken our navy
  • FDR approves "shoot on sight"

    This was if any emeny was seen tresspassing in our territory that we would shoot them down on sight.
  • General Eisenhower and his forces land ni north africa

    he was attempting to defeat the french North Africa
  • End of battle of stalingrad

    This was a bettle fought between the Soviet Union and hitlers army. Hitler in turn lost the battle. This proved to be very fatal to the German army, since they were never able to recover fome this defeat, and allowed to allies to over take them.
  • Sicily falls

    Sicily was defeated by the muslum arabs, after a very long war.
  • Rome falls

    Allied troops were advancing, and took over rome.
  • D-Day

    This was a plan to invade Hitlers "fortress Europe". British and U.S. forces attacked Normandy comming from all directions. By night fall of the first day the U.S. and the allies had a firm foothold on the island.
  • Kamikaze Attacks

    These were suicide attacks by the Japanese. They would crash their aircrafts into enemy naval vessels.
  • MacArthur returns

    He returned to the Phillipines to free POW's. And to restore the Phillipine government.
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Bulge

    Germany launched a counteroffensive that was intednted to cut the allied forces in half. They did not take into account the tremendoous will of teh U.S. and were forced to be defeated in later months.
  • Raising the flag on Mt. Suribachi

    The U.S., after conquering Iwo Jima, raised the american flag atop a mountain to symbolize our victory. This became a very popular photograph
  • Okinawa Taken

    Okinawa was taken over by the U.S. It was a major island of the japanese.
  • Truman becomes president

    Truman became president after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Truman and his policies helped the U.S. prevail in their conquests.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitlers army was failing and there was no way that he could do anymore, he was finished. Hitler killed himself in his room by shooting himself in the right temple with a handgun.
  • V-E day

    This was the day of the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Nazi Germany
  • Hiroshima

    The largest island of Japan. It was the first city in history to be destroyed by a nuclear weapon.
  • Nagasaki

    This is where the U.S. performed a nuclear attack. This forced them to surrender.
  • V-J day

    This was the official announcment of Japans surrender.
  • Formal surrender of Japan

    The enemy was getting to strong and Japan was not able to handle it. The emperor had a anounced to the people that Japan was surrendering. The war had not developed in their advantage. Japan and the U.S. worked out details of the surrender.