• allience wth soviet union.

    u.s establishes diplomatic relathionships with the soviet union.
  • Hitler

    hitler becomes chanchelloer.
  • numereng law

    hitler instituded the numereng laws.
  • Axis Power

    Germany and italy made allience.

    Japanese capture of the city of Nanjing (NanJing), the capital of the Republic of China,hundreds of thousands of civilians were murdered and 20,000–80,000 women were raped [1] by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army
  • cardenas

    the good neibor policy came in effect ,when lazaro cardenas began to nationalize.
  • nazi's

    nazi thugs burned down syngagous and destroed jewish business.
  • Cold War

    The cold war was the continuing state of political conflict, military tension, proxy wars, and economic competition existing after World War II (1939–1945)
  • Invasion

    World WAr 11 Begins When German Troops Invade Poland..
  • FDR

    franklin d.roosevelt wins an unprecendent third term as president.
  • George Kennan

    kennan was an American advisor, diplomat, political scientist, and historian
  • George S. Paton

    General George S.Patton emerged as leader during the north africa campaign,and guided the u.s.forces..

    Destroyers for bases agreement between the united state and the United Kingdom,.
  • invasion of indochina

    Japan began pressuring the Vichy government to close the railway and on September 5th, the South China Front Army organised the amphibious Indochina Expeditionary Army under its command to be the Japanese garrison in Indochina
  • Lend Lease Act

    lots Of WAr materials were needed,However the british Didn't have enough Money To Pay...Roosevelt propposed that the united states lend or lease arms and other suppies to the allies.
  • charles evan

    charles evan hughes retired as chief justica
  • holocaust

    The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators."Holocaust" means sacrifice by fire..

    On 22 June 1941, three million soldiers of Germany and her allies began an attack on the Soviet Union..it was suppose to last couple of months,but instead it lasted four years.
  • Attack On Pearl Harbour

    Japanese Forces attack Pearl Harbour..The attack was a major engagement of World War II and came as a profound shock to the American people.
  • Battle Of The Atlantic

    World War 2 naval campaign fought between german u-boats and allied naval and air forces..the allies had sonar equipment which detected underwater objects/
  • george s.patton

    george s.patton emerged as a leader during the north africa campain guided the .s forces
  • D-DAY

    June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France.Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.”
  • THe End

    the u.s. troops droped atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    The Nuremberg Trials were a series of military tribunals, held by the main victorious Allied forces of World War II,
  • truman doctrine

    the Cold War strategy of containment versus the Soviet Union and the expansion of communism
  • Marshall Plan

    the marshall plan was gona build a stronger economic foundation for the countries of western europe..
  • warsaw pact

    The Warsaw Treaty was the Soviet Bloc’s military response to West Germany’s May 1955[