
  • Chinese Civil War

    After WWII Communist China gained control of Northern China. Communist forces fought a civil war against the nationalist of China. They Were led by Mao Zedong and pushed the national to the Island of Taiwan. The communists one for many reasons. While support for the Communists grew the support for nationalist Decreased. Mao gained the supprot of chinas huge peasant population. Also many hoped that The Communists would build a new Chhina and end foreign domination.
  • Period: to

    Nuclear arms race

    The United States was the first to develope nuclear weapons, but by 1949 so had the Soviet Union. They both were in a race to match each other weapons. In 1969 They Began Stategic Arms Linitation Talks To limit the number of nuclear weapons held by each side. Later on both sides singed agreements setting these limits. The agreements led to a time of detente, know as a relaxation of tensions which was during the 70s but ended in 1979. Then in 1991 they signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.
  • NATO

    The United States, Canada, and ten other coutries formed an alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Orginization.
  • Korean Confkict 2

    That had turned the war into a stale mated. then in 1953 a armistice was signed to end fighting.
  • Korean conflict

    After WWII Korea was spit in two and during the cold war the koreas found themselves on opposing sides. Both rulers of the Koreas wanted to rule the entire country. North Korean troops attacked in June of 1950 and soon over ran most of the south. Then in september United nation troops landed in south korean pushing the north back. By november the united nation forces had advanced to The border of China. Then China sent forces to help the north pushing them back to the 38th parrarel.
  • Warsaw Pact

    After the Nato was formed the Soviet Union decided to make ther own military alliance the Warsaw Pact. Including the Soviet Union and seven satelites in Europe. The Warsaw Pact was invoked to keep the sattelites in order.
  • Communist Cuba

    Fidel Castro orfanized an armed rebellion against the corrupt didctator . After gaining control in 1959 Castro looked for help from the Soviet Union, he then nationalized businesses and put most land under government control
  • Berlin Wall

    Cold War tensions divided Berlin into a democratic West Berlin and a communist East Berlin. Unhappy East Berliners fled to West Berlin. To stop this East Germany built a wall in 1961 that sealed off West berlin. The wall was a lrage concrete barrier with barbed wire at the time and gaurds patrolling it.
  • Cuba missle crisis

    in the summer of 1962 the united states learned the Sovit Union was shipping missles into Cuba. In October the United States imposed a naval blockade around cuba not allowing ships to enter or leave. For a week the confrontation brought the world close to a nuclear war.