Waller, Laurel

  • Edgar Allan Poe Born

    Edgar Allan Poe Born
    Born in an apartment in Boston MA to David and Eliza Poe.
  • David Poe Dies

    David Poe Dies
    Found somewhere in Virginia after he abondoned family.
  • Eliza Poe dies

    Eliza Poe dies
    Eliza Poe dies of unknown illness after a rehersal for her upcoming play.
  • Goes to College

    Goes to College
    Attends the University of Virginia.
  • Marries Viginia Clemm

    Marries Viginia Clemm
    Marries his 14 year old cousin Virginia Clemm.
  • Becomes Editor of Graham's Magazine

    Becomes Editor of Graham's Magazine
  • Creates the Contempory Mystery Genre

    Creates the Contempory Mystery Genre
    Writes "The Gold Bug", "The Murders of the Rue Morget", and "The Mystery of Marie Roget".
  • Publishes Many of his Greatest Works.

    Publishes Many of his Greatest Works.
    Publishes "The Raven" tale and "The Raven and Other Poems".
  • Viginia Dies

    Viginia Dies
    Virginia dies of tuberculosis.
  • Edgar Allan poe dies

    Edgar Allan poe dies
    Edgar Allan Poe is found in the streets, lost after late night drinking. He is taken to te doctors but dies before they arrive.