

  • Chinese Civil War

    Chinese Civil War
    Communist Vs Nationalist in china resualted with the communist winning. Mao Zedong was the leader of the communist china. Mao set up collective farms and government run factories.
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    Nuclear Arms Race

    America and Soviet Union engage in a Nuclear Arms Race. Both sides began pumping out hydrogen and atomic bombs. This began a "ballance of terror." Where if one side launched their weapons they would also be destroyed.
  • NATO

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) A pledge between Canada and the United States to help each other out if one was attacked.
  • Korean Conflict

    Korean Conflict
    Kim II Sung wanted to reunite Korea. The north war communist and the south a mix of democracy and dictator. Kim attacked the south and almost took the whole country but NATO stepped in. NATO forces pushed back the north to the 38th parrelle. And in 1953 both sides sighned a armistice.
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    Communist Cuba

    Castro had organized a rebellion against a corrupt dictator. They over threw the goverment and turned to the Soviet Union for help.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Soviet Union formed its owned alliance in Warsaw Pact. This kept seven Soviet satilites in Eastern Europe. Also this split Germany into a west and east Germany.
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    Mao Reforms

    Mao led a program call the Great Leap Forward. The program made communes that had to farms over 1000 acre lands with 25,000 people. The leap failed and over 50 million died of china.
  • Vietnam Conflict #2

    Vietnam Conflict #2
    The vietnam war was very unpopular and finally Lyndon Johnson with drew troops from vietnam. Two years after american tropps left the North conquered the south and reunited the nation with Ho Chi Minh as the leader.
  • Vietnam Conflict #1

    Vietnam Conflict #1
    Vietnam was divided into a north and a south, w/ a north that supported communism and south that supported the united states. Ho Chi Minh mad more people support communism to reunite Vietnam. The National Liberation Front and the VG attacked the south with guerrilla warfare. The united stated fearing the domino effect would take place we sent supplies and materials to them. Then a proclaimed attack on a US ship JFK declared war. It was preety brutal and many americans opposed the war.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall construction began on june 15, 1961. The wall was constructed because East German citizens were going into West Germany. The Soviet Union had got fed up with it and the wall was built. The Berlin wall was patrolled by guards and had barbwire on top.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Soviet Union sent nuclear missles to Cuba. JFK responded by sending a navel blockade to cuba. After 13 days Russia removed the missles.
  • Detente Begins

    Detente Begins
    The detente began in 1970 when both sides, the US and USSR could relax in fear of nuclear war.
  • Soviets in Afghanistan

    Soviets in Afghanistan
    In 1978 Afghanistan was using a Soviet supported goverenment that redistributed land and gave less power to landlords. Many muslim conservatives thought these reforms were anti Islamic and took up arms against the government. This is when Russia invaded Afghanistan. The invasion was unsuccessful and was costly and proved many casualties
  • Detente Ends

  • Eastern European Independence

    Eastern European Independence
    After the failure of the Soviets invasion many countries began revolting against the Union. Hungary and Czechoslovakia were the first to pass secret reforms. They allowed free market and expanded thier economy. Then after the economic slow down in Poland, ship workers began to organize a independent labor union. Then in 1989 the gates between the east and west side opened up. 1000s of people fled to the west for the first time.
  • Soviet Union Falls

    Soviet Union Falls
    After many countries had broken away from the Soviet Union. Gorbachev had tried to make to more reforms called the glasnost and perestroika which decreased censorship and reforming the governement and economy. The attempts failed, and ultimently the Soviet Union economy collapsed on its self. Last they seperated the three soviet into Russia (the biggest), Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.