Early 1900s

  • First Automobiles

    First Automobiles
    First Automobile manufacturing factory was built.
  • Ford's Assembly Line

    Ford's Assembly Line
    'nuff said. Idea taken and reversed from a slaughterhouse line.
  • KKK Terrorism: Leo Frank

    KKK Terrorism: Leo Frank
    Accused and sentenced on the rape and murder of an employee, Leo Frank was kidnapped from prison and lynched by the KKK.
  • Mechanization of Labor: Tractors

    Mechanization of Labor: Tractors
    1917 is when tractors became mass produced by Ford and widespread. First practical tractor was built in 1892.
  • Red Scare: Strikes

    Red Scare: Strikes
    Various strikes erupted throughout the year, such as a 60,000 strong Seattle strike, and a May Day Strike on May 1st.
  • Start of Prohibition

    Start of Prohibition
    Prohibition was the outlawing of Alcohol. This 18th amendment banned the transportation, sale, and production of liquor.
  • Red Scare: Mail Bombs

    Red Scare: Mail Bombs
    During the month of June, about 40 highly powerful mail bombs were shipped to various anti-anarchists, such as judges and government officials.
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    This 2 year event started when Alexander Palmer, the nation's Attorney General, ordered multiple police raids which resulted in the arrest of 10,000 and eventual deportation of 556 'communists.'
  • Womens' Role: Flappers

    Womens' Role: Flappers
    Truly showing the new mood and freedom of women is the Flapper movement, a 'party girl.' They were started in the 1920s.
  • African American Role: Harlem Renaissance

    African American Role: Harlem Renaissance
    Hundereds of thousands of African Americans flocked to Harlem, where art, music such as jazz, and literature all flourished. This movement was growing throughout the 20s and 30s.
  • KKK: Lynching

    KKK: Lynching
    During the 1920-30s, 416 African Americans were lynched.
  • Modern Conveniences: Radio/TV

    Modern Conveniences: Radio/TV
    Both of these started back in the 20s.
  • Traffic Lights

    Traffic Lights
    This came about in the 1920s.
  • Band-Aid

    Started in the 1920s.
  • Womens' Role: Suffrage

    Womens' Role: Suffrage
    On this day, the nineteenth amendment was ratified, allowing women to vote.
  • African Americans' Role: Sports

    African Americans' Role: Sports
    The first African American professional baseball team was created, further severing the differences between blacks and whites.
  • National Origins Act

    Limited foreign immigration to 2% of their U.S. population in 1890.
  • Immigration Restrictions: National Origins Act

    Immigration could not exceed 2% of that nationality's population in 1890, and Asian immigrants were barred.
  • End of Prohibition

    End of Prohibition
    At this date, the much hated and illegaly bypassed 18th amendment was repealed. Crime had risen and support for the government had fallen, but this repeal had solved these issues. Alcoholic beverages were now limited to 4% alcoholic content by volume.