History During the 1920s

  • Ford's affordable Model T

    Ford's affordable Model T
    This was Henry Ford's first car. This automobile was mass produced and was affordable for the average family.
  • Ford introduces the assembly line

    Ford introduces the assembly line
    Henry Ford first began using the assembly line for his motor company in 1908. By 1914 Ford's new style of automobile production became known as Fordism.
  • The Immigration Act

    The Immigration Act
    This act decreased the number of immigrants drastically. The U.S. charged a fee for each immigrant, many of them could not afford this, and literacy tests were given.
  • Universal Negro Improvement Association

    Universal Negro Improvement Association
    The first branch of the UNIA was established by Marcus Garvey. This group spoke out against issues such as lynching, Jim Crow Laws, and other forms of racial discrimination. This group helped the black community significantly in this time period.
  • Boston Police Strike

    Boston Police Strike
    The Stirke began on this day. This was caused because Police Commissoner Edwin Upton Curtis refused to allow a union for the police officer. They refused to work and the intervention from Calvin Coolidge gave him national fame, He helped get the officers back to work.
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    The Palmer Raids were mass arrests of radicals after World War I.
  • Work Pays Off for Prohibition

    Work Pays Off for Prohibition
    The 18th amendment was put into affect, this amendment stated that alcohol was no allowed in any state.
  • Palmer Raids Ends

    Palmer Raids Ends
    The Palmer Raids were ended by Judge George Anderson.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    On this day the 19th amendment was ratified. This amendment allowed women to vote. This amendment stated that no one could be denied the right to vote based on sex.
  • The Wall Street Bombing

    The Wall Street Bombing
    On this day, days after the indictment of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, a horsecart exploded on Wall Street. About 40 people were killed in this incident and The Stock Exchange closed early. The culprits were never caught.
  • Radio

    More Americans were using this invention to listen to jazz, a new style of music. Later advertising became popular by radio.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    Immigrants that enter the United States in any one year is limited to 3 percent of the size of each nationality group that had been living in the United States in 1910.
  • Crop Dusting

    Crop Dusting
    Crop dusting was started when a pilot dropped lead from his plane killing all the insects in a field.
  • The Stop Light

    The Stop Light
    This invention made streets safer. After Henry Ford produced the Model T, an affordable car, more people drove on roads. As a result, streets needed to be safer.
  • National Origins Act

    National Origins Act
    This restricted yearly immigration only to 2% of the foreign-born of any nationality. This was based upon the 1890 census.
  • 1st female governor

    1st female governor
    Nellie Ross was elected the first female governor. She served in Wyoming. This gave women hope everywhere. This was the next big step for women's rights.
  • KKK attacks Madge Stephenson

    KKK attacks Madge Stephenson
    KKK leader D.C. Stephenson abducted and tortured Indiana resident Madge Oberholtzer. Oberholtzer named Stephenson as her attacker and he was sentenced to prison. This hurt the KKK in Indiana.
  • Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

    Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
    This was an African-American labor union organized by African-American workers of the Pullman Company.The BSCP was very significant and led the way to other African-American people to become leaders in their community,
  • KKK Parade on Pennslyvania

    KKK Parade on Pennslyvania
    Over 35,000 KKK member marched down Pennslyvania Ave. prmoting their theory of white supremacy.
  • The Electric Chair

    The Electric Chair
    On this day Sacco and Vanzetti were put to death in the electric chair. They were accused of shooting and killing 2 men at a holdup at a shoe factory. They were accused because they were known anarchists.
  • The Bread Slicer

    The Bread Slicer
    The bread cutter was invented in 1928 by Otto Rohwedder. This machine allowed bread to be sliced and sold. Not only did this attract alot of attention, but large amounts of bread could be sliced in short amounts of time.
  • The 21 Amendment Ends Hard Work

    The 21 Amendment Ends Hard Work
    On this day the 21st amendment ended prohibition. This amendment allowed alcohol in The United States again and repealed the 18th amendment.