Aug 31, 1500
Cincinnatus { 519 B.C.- 430 B.C.}
Cincinnatus was a a Roman general who was retired. He lived a happy life on a farm in Rome. But one day the Roman empire asked Cincinnatus to come out of retirement and be a general to the last army or rome might be overthrone. So Cincinnatus said that he would help and rome ended up winning that war and cincinnatus became a war hero. The people of rome asked cincinnatus to be their leader. But cincinnatus turned down the offer and displayed civic virtue and thats how cincinnatus influenced gov. -
John Locke ( august 29, 1632 - october 28, 1704 )
John Locke was a english philosopher who influenced our government in three major ways. the first of these ways was that he said that no government should be ruled by a single dictator. The second of the three influences is that all people should have natural rights ( the rights to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness ). The third and final is that all people are born with natural rights and the government should protect those right. He also said that we can not live in a state of nature. -
Montisquiue ( January 18, 1689 - February 10, 1755)
Montisque was a french philosopher who had two major ideas that made our government the way it is today. The first of these ideas is seperation of powers, this is demonstrated today in our government because we have three branches that are part of our government the Legislative, exevutive, and Judicial. The second major influece is equal and balanced powers. This today is demonstrated in our gov. today by checks and balances. This is how montisquiue influenced our government. -
Articles of confederation (Nov. 15 1777- Jan. 1781)
The Articles of confederation was the first written U.S. constitution. It was our first form of government also. In this form of gov. The constitution gave most of the powers to the states. This in the Near future would cause problems to the gov. We believed at the time that this was the best form of government because it ensured that the national government could never become too powerful. -
Problems With The Articles (Nov. 15 1777- Jan. 1781)
There were a few problems with the articles of confederation. The main problem with this form of gov. is that the states got to enforce the laws and since the states get to enforce the laws, any laws that the states dont like they can choose not to enforce it therefore wats the reason for the national gov to make laws if they dont get to enforce them. Another problem was that the states were the only one's who got to tax the citizens so the national gov. couldnt make any money. new gov is needed -
Argument Over Constitutional Interpretation
There was a destpute over the constitution during Washingtons presidency. This interpretation over the constitution was defined into to parties. The democratic republic and the federalists. This is exactly what our president at the time George Washington. So this is when arguments over constitutional interpretation begin and it is still going on to today. -
The Two Parties during washingtons presidency.
During Washingtons presidency there were two parties that split into groups over interpretation of the constitution. The federalists and the democratic republic. The federalists led by Thomas Jefferson and the democratic republic by Alexander Hamilton. These two parties became the first to political parties. -
Philadelphia Convention( May 25 1787- Sep. 17 1787)
the Philadelphia Convention was a convention in which the constitution was written. It was held in Philadelphia and it is also known as the Constitutional convention. Some important people who contributed to this event were james Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson. -
Costitution (June 1787-Today)
The constitution is a written document between the people and the gov. this is known as a social compact. It says that we must give up some right in order to be protected by the gov. It was written at the philidephia convention. It is the bases for our gov. even today we still use the constitution in our gov. The constitution also dictates the power of the gov. -
ratifaction of the constitution
the ratifaction of constitution took place between september 17, of 1787 and june 21 1788, The process of ratififaction is when the majority of a group must agree or sign somthing to take place. The constitution was ratified by the states. In order for this to happen it must be agreed with my 2/3 votes. In conclusion after a long process of getting states to sign for the constitution, we finally got 9 of the 13 to sign. -
Washington's Presidency (April 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797)
Our first President under the new constitution was a man named George Washington. As the first president of the United States, he had a lot of work and a big job to fill. First he had to pick his cabinet members. THen his second big worry was the debt that America owed other countries. The were also some domestic problems such as rebellions against taxes and native americans. He also had foreign problems to take care of such as the French Revolution. As you can see washington had a big job. -
Domestic Issue (1791-1794) Whiskey Rebellion
The whiskey rebellion was a tax on whiskey that started in 1791. whiskey was a very important trade product in the late 1700's and this taxation angered the citizens, especially the farmers. So the farmers marched and threated the government. So george Washington decided he wasn't going to have it and he arrested all the marchers and told america that this was a necissary taxation. -
Foreign Affairs ( French Revolution) 1789-1799
During Washingtons Presidency there was a major foreign affairs problem. The French Revolution. The French were at war with Brittian and they both wanted our help. Brittian would go to war with us if we didnt help them and France was our allie.So Washington stayed nuetral in this war by trading with both countries this solved this problem. -
Constitutional Government
A constitutional government is any government whose authority and construction are defined by a constitution. The government need not be of a specific type, such as democratic, socialist, etc, but it does need to have parameters that are defined and relatively unchangeable. The United States of America is a Constitutional Government because it has a constitution that everybody follows. We can change if to our liking if we want but so far it has only been changed 27 times.