
U.S. Goverment

By damiana
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Rome/Cincinnatus 519b.c. to 430 b.c.

    Rome/Cincinnatus     519b.c. to 430 b.c.
    cincinnatus was a farmer who was loyal to his country. he believed in republicanism which is based on this belief the people exercise thier power by voting for thier political view. he also believed in seperation of powers which is a division of government roles into branches he also had popular soveriegnty which is a goverment in which the people rule
  • John locke 1632 to 1702

    John locke   1632 to 1702
    john locke was a famous philosopher who believed in individual rights which is personal liberties and priveleges he also had popular soveriegnty which is a gov that the people rule
  • Montisquieu 1689 to 1755

    Montisquieu  1689  to 1755
    montisque was a french philosopher who believed in republicanism which is the people exercisethier power by voting for thier political representives he also has seperation of powers which is seperation of the branches roles in the goverment he also has checks and balances which is when each branch of government can exercise checks controls the over the other branches
  • the constitution since September 17, 1787

    the constitution since September 17, 1787
    was the next form of u.s. government in which had three branches of gov and the legislative branch had two houses the senate with equal rep and the house of rep with proportional rep
  • philidelphia convention from may 25 to september 17 1787

    philidelphia convention from may 25 to september 17 1787
    also known as the constitution convention it took after the annapolis convention and was to discuss the constitution because the articles were not really helping them with thier war dept cause the congress couldnt tax hte people talked about it in secret
  • ratification 1787 to 1788

    ratification 1787 to 1788
    there were two political goups. one was the federlists they were for ratifing the constitution. then there were the anti federlists who opposed the ratification .the feds wrote the federlists papers and the anti feds werent going to agree with out a bill of rights
  • problems with the articles 1781-1788

    problems with the articles 1781-1788
    there was currency problems all the states had thier own currency and the congress was losing its worth.states placed tariffs on each others goods when trading
  • the articles of confederation from 1781 - 1788

    the articles of confederation from  1781 - 1788
    was a form of gov where there was two different govs and the powers were seperated unequally. the congress had four powers they could wage war make peace maint money and create laws. while the states could enforce laws and tax the people.the reason it was like this was because they were afraid the congress would become too strong.
  • Constitutional Gov from 1789 to now

    Constitutional Gov  from 1789 to now
    was signed in1789and is based on checks and balances which is when each branch of government can exercise checks, controls over the other branches it is also with limited powers which is in the american government everyone citizens and powerful leaders alike must obey the laws
  • arguments over the constitutional interpretation

    hamilton thought that the constitution was loose and very strong so congress could create the national bank thomas thought that the constitution was strict and was weaker than the states gov and the congress couldnt make thenationalk bank
  • domestic issues

    one domestic issue was securing the northwest territory he had to convince britain to give up forts and end indian uprisings we also were 52million dollars in dept so hamilton came up with the 3 part plan the last was different interpretations of the constitution they split into political parties
  • foriegn issues

    the french and english war caused french revolution france and england go to war we stayed nuetral because we were friends with them both had two treaties jays allowed to freely travel the mississippi river and pinkneys britain would pay back the ships the had siezed
  • washingtons presidency 1789 to1793

    washingtons presidency 1789 to1793
    was born in 1732 on february 22 and died in1799. he was our nations first president while he was president he created the cabinet and in the legislative branch chose the justices his cabinet was thomas jefferson he was the secatary of state then there was henry knox he was the secatary of defense next was alexander hamilton which he was the treasury last was edmund randolf who was the general attorney
  • first political parties

    were the federlists and the democratic republican hamilton was the leader of the federlists and they favored strong gov based on manufacturing and trade the democratic republic was led by jefferson and belived in weak fed gov and strong state gov based on farming