35.jarduera Lur Ducar

By Lur10
  • 2000 BCE

    MAYA choclate

    MAYA choclate
    May BC began in 2000 and was a civilization. The Mayan Civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization that was developed by the Mayan peoples before the Spaniards arrived in the Americas. Notable is their writing system, the only one that was fully developed in pre-Columbian America, as well as their great knowledge of art, architecture, mathematics and astronomy. At its peak, Mayan culture occupied a vast territory: southern Mexico and parts of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvado
  • 600 BCE


    Chocolate was created in Mexico.Cocoa was first grown around 600AD by the Maya Indians,who lived in the Amazon region.Later around 1300 Maya merchants travelled north to the land of the Aztecs and traded cocoa beans for other things like cloth, jade and ceremonial feathers.The Spanish added sugar to the chocolate drink and kept the recipe for making chocolate a secret for nearly
    100 years.The first solid chocolate bar for sale was developed by Fry & Sons in 1847 and milk chocolate bars by Nestlé
  • 1500


    Ice cream, was created in the 16th century in Italy. The first ice cream cone was painted by Italo Machion in New York in 1896. But the first ice cream was invented by Francisco Procopio, and Marco Polo brought back recipes for water ices from Asia.

    Francesco Procopio (1651 - 1727): He was an Italian cook, recognized as the father of ice cream. In addition, in 1686 he founded what would become the oldest cafeteria in Paris, the Café Procope, a notable literary stronghold that attracted many personalities from the world of letters, arts and politics.