Automobile 2

2019 Guillem Nadal History Assignment 11

  • First Car (First Stage)

    First Car (First Stage)
    This was the first capable car to move people. It was powered by steam.
  • New Upgrades! Combustion Engine (Stage 2)

    New Upgrades! Combustion Engine (Stage 2)
    In this year it was created a combustion engine powered with hydrogen. Now, there're new cars that use a similar engine.
  • New engines of gasoline? (Stage 3)

    New engines of gasoline? (Stage 3)
    During 10 years, they sofisticated this engine, creating in 1880 a car with clutch, brakes and steering.
  • Diesel and Gasoline (Stage 4)

    Diesel and Gasoline (Stage 4)
    In 1885, Karl Benz designed an engine that could work with diesel or gasoline and it were sold several number of copies for other cars with this engine
  • Finally, a production car! (Stage 5)

    Finally, a production car! (Stage 5)
    In this year, the Ford Model T was the first production car, produced by Ford Motor Company. The Ford Model T is the forth best production car, with more than 16.000.000 copies sold