2000s Technology Inventions

By Justo21
  • PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2
    Sequel of the original console PlayStation. All-time best selling console with 155 million sold worldwide.
  • Gamecube

    The GameCube is the first Nintendo console to use optical discs as its primary storage medium. It sold 21.75 millions consoles worldwide
  • NIntendo Wii

    NIntendo Wii
    Nintendo's best selling console with 101 million sold worldwide. Led Sony and Microsoft to develop their own motion controller feature
  • T-Mobile Sidekick Phone 3

    T-Mobile Sidekick Phone 3
    AKA the HipTop3, added more applications with more phone storage.
  • BlackBerry Bold 9700

    BlackBerry Bold 9700
    Upgraded Internet browsing and Wifi calling is now available.