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1st and 2nd New Deal

  • Economy Act

    Economy Act
    1st New Deal:
    - Cut the salaries of federal workers and reduced the benefits of veterans in attempt to reduce the federal deficit. Significance- this was one of FDR's failures as it had little effect on the federal defecit, and he ended up restoring all of the money to those whose salaries and pensions he had originally cut.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Civilian Conservation Corps
    1st New Deal:
    - Provided jobs for men who were willing to complete environmental tasks like planting trees. Significance- this was one of FDR's most popular programs as it improved physical condition, heightened morale, and increased employability. It also led to greater public awareness and appreciation of nature.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Act

    Federal Emergency Relief Act
    1st New Deal: relief
    - dispensed millions of federal dollars to poor Americans Significance- created the CWA, which in turn created lots of jobs for unemployed workers helping to reduce unemployment.
  • The Agricultural Adjustment Act

    The Agricultural Adjustment Act
    1st New Deal
    - payed farmers to produce less crops in order to decrease the surplus and raise the value of crops. Significance- it did not account for sharecroppers causing them to lose their jobs; agriculture also became heavily dependent on the government.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Act

    Tennessee Valley Authority Act
    1st New Deal:
    - Allowed the federal government to develop the Tennessee Valley region into an area of prosperity Significance- generated low costing utilities and helped to curb land erosion, as well as created jobs for Americans.
  • Public Works Administration

    Public Works Administration
    1st New Deal
    Created jobs for unemployed Americans by providing national funding for infrastructure and things like that. Significance- generated a ton of new jobs as well as greatly improved the infrastructure of the U.S.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    National Industrial Recovery Act
    1st New Deal: recovery
    - Authorized the president to regulate industry in order to raise prices after inflation and stimulate recovery. Significance- provided jobs for Americans and created the PWA.
  • Wagner Act

    Wagner Act
    2nd New Deal:
    - Every worker was promised the opportunity to join a unio; it also created the National Labor Relations Board to supervise Union elections and mitigate unfair labor practices. Significance- it was a key step in preventing unfair treatment of workers. It also strengthened labor unions as it reduced the amount of interference they received from corporations and businesses.
  • Holding Company Act

    Holding Company Act
    2nd New Deal:
    - Meant to break up or facilitate regulation of electric utility companies. Significance- limited the amount of monopolies tht existed and their power to regulate business.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    2nd New Deal:
    - Provided welfare funds for the elderly and the impoverished; it also removed the elderly from the work force by offering a financial aid package. Significance- put a lot of people out of ther jobs as it did not account for sharecroppers, farmers, and minorities.
  • Banking Act

    Banking Act
    2nd New Deal:
    - Strengthened the power of the Federal Reserve to monitor banking. Significance- allowed for the permanent establishment of the FDIC, a funding stream for the insurance fund, and created a new Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
  • Wealth Tax Act

    Wealth Tax Act
    2nd New Deal:
    - Increased tax rates on the wealthy and big corporations, taking up to 75% of the highest incomes. Significance- It helped to solve the issue of tax evasion through loopholes which many wealthy people practiced.
  • Court Packing Plan

    Court Packing Plan
    2nd New Deal:
    -Campaign for Congressional approval to appoint one new justice for every Supreme Court member over the age of 70 in order to have more justices who favored FDR's policies. Significance- it generated a lot of opposition to FDR as well as the plan itself, especially in the Court. It was one of FDR's only policies that caused public opposition towards him.