1980 - 2001

  • Reagan Elected President

    Reagan Elected President
    President Ronald Reagan was elected president in November of 1980 and became one of America's greatest leaders. Reagan won the election over Jimmy Carter and served for 8 years.
  • US Invasion of Grenada

    US Invasion of Grenada
    The US invaded Grenada in October of 1983 and were there for 4 days. The US invaded Grenada because PResident Reagan saw them as a threat with their Marxist Regime
  • Reagan Reelected in Landslide Victory

    Reagan Reelected in Landslide Victory
    In November of 1984 Ronald Reagan was reelected by the US people and beat his own Vice President by a landslide. Reagan won 58.8% of the popular vote and cruised into his 2nd term as president.
  • George H.W. Busch Elected President

    George H.W. Busch Elected President
    George H.W. Busch was elected president of the United States in November of 1988 and served for 4 years.
  • Berlin Wall Taken Down

    Berlin Wall Taken Down
    The Berlin Wall, separating East Berlin and West Berlin, was considered no more in 1989 after the USSR began to rebuild itself and changed its policies. The Berlin Wall kept all occupants of East Berlin separate from the rest of the capitol city and showed the effects of communism.
  • Gulf War Begins

    Gulf War Begins
    The US joined the Gulf War in 1991 after Iraq invaded it neighbor Kuwait. The entire War lasted only 6 months and ended with an Iraqi retreat from Kuwait.
  • Bill Clinton Elected President

    Bill Clinton Elected President
    Bill Clinton was elected president in 1992 and served for 8 years as the President of the United States.
  • Monica Lewinsky Scandal Breaks

    Monica Lewinsky Scandal Breaks
    The Monica Lewinsky scandal broke in early 1998 and showed the affair President Bill Clinton had with one of his interns. The scandal made national headlines and turned the public against Clinton.
  • World Trade Center Attacked

    World Trade Center Attacked
    The infamous day of 9/11 when terrorist flew 2 planes into the World Trade Center towers. The horrific event sparked the Afghanistan war and rallied the country together and made America stronger than ever.