1940 sam


  • 1940 entertainment

    1940 entertainment
    the greenhornet was made in 1936 it was a book then a raideo show then a tv show then movies
  • movie

    The movie starred micky mouse one of disneys mos famous movies still watched today first it was a book walt disney came up with it on his own.
  • artist

    the artist back then are admired today as legends there was elvis presly bing crosby and charlie bennit elvis was the best artist of his time he was put up to the top same for michael jackson
  • actors

    Bruce lee was the best martial artist/ actor of his time he was in so many movies that almost every one knows his name sdly he died in 1940
  • Franklen d rosevelt

    Franklen d rosevelt
    he was the presedent he ran many terms and made the world better with his smarts he graduated from collage and highschool he had a wife and child
  • Fashion

    Women and men wore fancy clothes all the time they wore dresses and fancy suits and ties
  • technology

    they had telaphone radios and camras you had to hold a pose for 10 seconds for the picture to be captured they used gun powder as a flash for the camra
  • toys

    the kind of toys they had back then where fun old toys they had old fashion batman cars metal house dino bots and pedal cars
  • cars for sale

     cars for sale
    in 1939 and 1940 these cars where made and put in stores they didnt cost as much as they do now. they are also admired today for there look.
  • battle of brittan

    battle of brittan
    the battle of brittan had germans fighting in airplanes it was apart of the world war 2 we won! soon after we got into modern technology
  • sports player

    sports player
    Bobby doerr played for the boston red sox he was the second base man he was a amazing hitter he hit so many home runs he had a record