
By KemperG
  • Stock market crash

    This was when the stock market crashed. This is an economic event because it caused a loss of a lot of money.
  • The great depression

    This was when the economy fell into a very big depression and changed many lives forever.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff act signed

    This law implemented better trade policies to be placed on all goods to and from the US. This is an economic event because it saved money and the goods and protected them better.
  • Unemployment reaches a record high

    This was very bad for the economy because a lot of people were not working so then they were spending less. This is economic because the economy gets worse if people do not spend money.
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation is established

    This is a government corporation that helps provide financial support for state and federal governments. This is important because it helps the government take better car of their money.
  • Federal Banks close

    These banks closed because of the great depression. This is important because they were places that handled and stored a lot of money so now a lot of people didn't really have places to store their money. A lot of the banks failed to pay off loans.
  • Gold Reserve Act

    This required that all gold held by the federal reserve be surrendered to the United States government. This is good because it helps with money and things like that.
  • Social security is created

    This was very important because it allowed people to be more secure with their money. It is an economic event because it saved a lot of money from would-be thieves.
  • Robinson-Patman act passed

    This act prohibited anti-competitive practices. This helped because again there wasn't just a certain corporation ruling it all.
  • Wheeler lea act passes

    This act stopped practices that are unfair to competitors. This is good for the economy because now not just one company is ruling the whole economy.