
  • Herbert Hoover takes office

    Before he became prestient, he was a professional mining engineer & an author
  • Neutrality Acts

    Laws passed by the U.S congress, in responce to the growing turmoil in Europe & Asia. These acts eventually led to WW II
  • The Bonus Army

    It was an assemblage of some 43 thousand WWII vets & their familes. They gathered in Washing D.C
  • FDR Elected

    He was born in 1882. He attened Harvard university
  • Hitler takes power

    Hitlers political party was known as Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP) later to be know as the Natzi party
  • Father Coughlin attacks JFK

    He was a peist at Royal Oak, Michigan's National Shrine of the Little Flower chruch
  • Indian Reorginazational act

    signed by FDR, it ensures native americans certian rights
  • Social secutiry act

    it was an uniquely American solution to the problem of old age pwntions
  • The Dust Bowl

    Also called the "Dirty Thirties", its was a peroid of severe dust storms that caused major damage to American paries
  • New Deal

    A serise of econmic programs. Congess passed them while FDR was president
  • Rape Of Nanjing

    Between 250-300 thousand people were killed, most were woman. About 20 thousand woman and children were raped
  • GM sit-down Strike

    it changed the UAW to a major labor union
  • Social Security

    The start of texed. You collect when you get to a certial age.
  • Request for Comments

    Part of the seminal ARPANET project. its the official publication program now.
  • The Grapes of Wrath

    it was a novel published in 1939. it was written by Jonh Stienbeck.