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18th Amendment

  • Maine

    The first prohibition law is passed in Maine. This started the idea of pushing for laws across the whole country.
  • "Dry" States

    "Dry" States
    12 more states joined Maine in the ban of alcohol. These states were known as the "dry" states. Although every state ended up voting for prohibition, the states that hadn't yet were reffered to as the "wet" states.
  • League

    Anit-Saloon League is formed on this date. This league fought for the fight to end alcohol and bing about Prohibition. This league gained many followers.
  • Amendment Ratified

    Amendment Ratified
    The 18th amendment was ratified on January 16, 1919. Nebraska was the 34th State to ratify on this day.
  • Bootleggers

    Due to ban of Alcohol bootlegging (illegal production and sale of alcohol) started to become huge and was on a constant rise. Prohibition created a huge black market making many mob bosses very powerful.
  • The amendment became law

    The amendment became law
    The amendment became national law January 17,1920. This officialy made the purchasing and consuming of alcohol illegal to all citizens of the United States.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    The Volstead Act was put in place to enforce the laws of Prohibition. This Act was put in place to make sure penalties and cons
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Herbert Hoover accepted the Republican presidential nomination for president where he talked about ending prohibition.
  • Cullen-Harrison Act

    Cullen-Harrison Act
    This act legalized the manufacture and sale of certain alcohol. This didn't repeal the amendment quite yet but it was a huge step.
  • Repeal

    Prohibiton is finally repealed with the 21st Amendment. No longer making the sale or consumption of alcohol illegal.