
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance  of 1785
    This ordinacne answered the question of how all the lands in the Ohio Valley would be divided up. They divided section up, which was a 1 by 1 mile block, and there were sections in a township.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shay's rebellion was a rebellion led by Daniel Shay and other farmers who were mad over farmland mortages. Shay's rebellion was big because people feared that these uprising could occur anywhere and it showed that the government was weak.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest Ordinance was created to answer the quetion of how a territory would become a state. Once a territory had 60,000 residetns, they wrote a state constitution and sent it to the gorvernment. If congress approved, then they became a state.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    This is when the Constitution was written. The meeting was called in order to revise the Articles of COnfederation, but instead, the leaders decided to scrap the Artilces and completely start over.
  • Washington elected President

    Washington elected President
    When it came to picking a president, George Washington was the unanimous choice. He was the Revoluntioanry War hero and people respected him.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Judiciary Act of 1789
    The Judiciary Act of 1789 helped to set up the Sumpreme Court and Federal Court systems. This helped to complete the three branches of government.
  • Bill of Rights adopted

    Bill of Rights adopted
    The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution because many states wanted it in order to adopt the Constitution. The Bill of Rights were 10 rghts that guarenteed people certain freedoms that the government cannot take away from them
  • Bank of the United States

    Bank of the United States
    Alexander had an idea to pay off the debts that America had due to the war. Parts of his plan included adding a national bank in which people would rent from. this would help pay off the debts in full, yet thhere was much controversey over it.
  • Neutrality Proclamation

    Neutrality Proclamation
    This is what Washington relaesed as America's view as to joining into the French revolution. It states that America will remain neutral and not pick sides because the country is too weak right now to fight another war.
  • Whiskey rebellion

    Whiskey rebellion
    The whiskey rebellion was a rebellion held by farmers in southwestern Pennslyvania due to the excise tax on whiskey. The result of this was that Washington sent 13,000 troops to put down the rebellion, which showed th epeople that the national government was strong.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    John Jay was sent to England to make a treaty that was peaceful and that would help America out. Instead, Alexander Hamilton contacted england and they knew everything that Jay had the power to do. The treaty did not help out the United States at alll, as it resulted in America going into more debt.
  • Farewll Address

    Farewll Address
    Washington gave his farewll address before he retired from being president, as he said that two terms in office was long enough for anyone. He warned about having permanent allies as it could hurt the country and not to have political parties as those could seperate the country.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    The Alien and Sedition acts were acts that congress passed to make the age requiment to become a citizen longer and to limit peoples freedom of speech about the government. This violated the first amendment and did not last long. People did not like it.
  • Convention of 1800

    Convention of 1800
    The Convention of 1800 officialy ended the Franco -American alliance and made America pay for damage to French shippers.
  • Louisinana Purchase

    Louisinana Purchase
    The french sold the Americans the Louisina territoy for 15 million, which cost the Americans only 3 cents an acre. it also doubled the size of the United States and allowed MAericans to move west, as they desired.