b4-bailey r.

  • Executive order

    president George W. Bush carried out some Executive orders. He esstablished an office in the White House that was faith based and focused on community innitiatives.
  • Cheif Legislator

    President George W. Bush showed his cheif legislation powers by raising the budget for the military. Bush transformed the military budget wise and nearly doubled government support for veterns money wise.
  • Cheif Executive

    President Bush appointed Cheif Justice John Roberts and Samuel Alito int the U.S supreme court. This showed him using his Cheif Executive power because he appointed these to men as high ranking officials and into the federal government.
  • Comander in Cheif

    President George W. Bush showed how he was commander in Cheif when September 11, 2001 occured. He took control of our nation. While this disaster was occcuring he reformed the intelligence community and established a apartment of homeland security.
  • Cheif Legislator

    George W. Bush showed his power of being cheif legislator through the budget in the military. He transformed the military and nearly doupled the support mony wise for veterens.
  • Chief Diplomat

    President George W. Bush created a historic new partnership with India. He chose to do this because India is a fast growing country that could help America. This shows how President George W. Bush was Cheif Diplomat because he made a packt with another nation.