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1700-1800 United States

  • Benjamin Franklin's Birth

    Benjamin Franklin's Birth
    Benjamin Franklin is one of the founding fathers of America. He is known for signing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Treaty of Paris. He is also known for civil aspects of life such as the bifocal lens, fire insurance, the lightning rod, and political cartoons.
  • Georgia becomes the 13th Colony

    Georgia becomes the 13th Colony
    the Province of Georgia was granted to General James Oglethorpe for the current King of England George II. Georga was used as a place for poor English subjects and as a buffer zone from Spanish-owned Florida. Georgia becomes the final colony to join before the colonies declare independence.
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    First Great Awakening

    During this time period, Christianity was reinvigorated by priests such as George Whitefield. Whitefield is credited for starting the First Great Awakening by traveling the country spreading God's Word throughout the American colonies.
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    French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War was a great global conflict between England and its colonies against France and its colonies. There were many Indian tribes that participated in this conflict, most of which sided with the French, hence the common name of this war. The war officially ended with the Treaty of Paris.
  • The Shot Heard Around the World

    The Shot Heard Around the World
    This shot sparked the start of the Revolutionary War. This happened during the battles of Lexington and Concord. This was the point in which there would be no turning back from the creation of the United States of America.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Second Continental Congress meets to write the Declaration of Independence which called for the independence of the colonies from England. It is not ratified until July 4th, which will forever be known as the birthday of America.
  • Surrender at Yorktown

    Surrender at Yorktown
    British General Charles Cornwallis surrenders nearly 8,000 British soldiers to colonial general George Washington after not receiving any reinforcements. This colonial win saw the near end of the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris is Signed

    Treaty of Paris is Signed
    The American Revolutionary War officially comes to a close with the signing of the Treaty of Paris, thus England recognizes America as an independent Nation.
  • George Washington becomes the First US President

    George Washington becomes the First US President
    George Washington is inaugurated at Federal Hall in New York City as the first President Of the United States of America.
  • Bill of Rights are Ratified

    Bill of Rights are Ratified
    The Bill of Rights, which are ten amendments to the Constitution whose main goal is to protect essential rights and liberties.