
15th Amendment

By plangel
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    Ulysses S. Grant the newest Prestident of the United States of America came up with giving the rights to African Americans to vote. In his election in 1868 Grant won but only by a little and it was because the blacks had some rights to vote in the south. He lost the state of New York and that almost made him loose the election but if blacks could vote in the north he would of easily won the stat of New York.
  • Proposal of Amendment

    Proposal of Amendment
    The House of Repersenative passed the 15th Amendment with a 144 to 44 winning vote.
  • Proposal of Amendment

    Proposal of Amendment
    The Senate passed the Amendment with a winning vote of 39 to 13
  • Ratification

    The 15th amendment was ratified on February 3 in 1870.
  • Racial Groups

    Racial Groups
    The passing of the 15th amendment angred some Americans. People thought white people were more supirior the blacks thus creating groups including the Klu Klux Klan. Which was a racial group towards black poeple and people protesting the 15th Amendment.
  • Fredrick Douglas Speacks out

    Fredrick Douglas Speacks out
    "What a country- fortunate in its institutions, in its 15th amendment, in its future." Fredrick Douglas exact words in his speech he gave saying that this is a great thing for the country to do.
  • First African American in Office

    First African American in Office
    Joseph H. Rainey of South Carolina became the first African American sworn into the House of Representatives.
  • Signing of the Voting Rights Act

    Signing of the Voting Rights Act
    President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights act in 16965 giving every one the right to vote.
  • Finally Being Able To Vote

    Finally Being Able To Vote
    Poll tax and other discriminations were placed on African Amereicnas making them not able to vote until the Voting Rights Act was passed. Abolishing all discrimination towards any one person or race.
  • Being Able To Vote

    Being Able To Vote
    With the help of the 24th Amendment, banning the poll tax, and the Voting Rights Act gave everyone the right to vote no matter of race or religion.