Cold War Timeline

  • Coup D'etat in Argentina

    Civil war against Argentine-based guerilla warfare begins
  • Afghanistan Regime

    Communist regime installed
  • Vietnam - Khmer Rouge

    Deposed and installed pro-Vietnam, pro-Soviet government
  • Nicaragua Overthrow

    Marxist-led Sandinista revolutionaries overthrow US based Somoza dictatorship
  • Afghanistan Soviet Invasion

    To save communist regime - end of Detente
  • Korean Air Flight 007

    Civilian plane (holding 269 passengers) shot down by Soviet interceptor aircraft
  • Grenada Invasion

    US forced invade in attempt to overthrow Marxist military government, expell Cuban troops and abort construction on the Soviet funded airstrip
  • Exercize Able Archer 83

    Soviet anti-aircraft misinterpret a test of NATO's nuclear warfare procedures as a fake cover for an actual NATO attack. Their response was for all Soviet nuclear forces to be put on high alert
  • Glasnot & Perestroika

    Gorbachev announces. His goal in undertaking Glasnot was to pressure conservatives in the party who oppose his policies of economic restructuring (Perestroika). He hoped through initiatives of openness, debate, and participation that Soviets would support Perestroika
  • Soviet withdrawl from Afghanistan

  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    Beijing protests get crushed by Communist Chinese government
  • Warsaw Pact Dissolved

  • Dissolution of Soviet Union

    Councul of Republics of the Supreme Soviets of the USSR recognizes it