13 colonies map

13 Colonies Timeline

  • Virginia Founded

    Virginia Founded
    Virginia is founded in 1607.
  • Massachusetts is founded.

    Massachusetts is founded.
    Plymouth, Massachusetts is founded by pilgrims, a religious group spilt off from puritans.
  • William Penn finds Pennsylania

    William Penn finds Pennsylania
    William Penn finds Pennsylvania as a colony of religious tolerance.
  • Georgia Legalizes Slavery.

    Georgia Legalizes Slavery.
    Georgia legalizes slavery.Slavery now is legal in all 13 British colonies.
  • Forced To Provide Living Quaters For British Soldiers

    Forced To Provide Living Quaters For British Soldiers
    COlonist were forced to provide living quaters for British Soldiers;food,beds,blankets -even whole buidlings.
  • Angry About British Rules And Taxes

    Angry About British Rules And Taxes
    The colonist were angry about the British rules and Taxes.