13.2 | vietnam war timeline

  • Defeat at Dien Bien PHU

    Defeat at Dien Bien PHU
    French was defeated during Dien Bien Pub. A climactic confrontation of the first Indochina war. This was fought between the French Union's colonial Far East corps and communist revolutionaries. Ho Chi Minh the communist leader, proclaimed the indecent democratic republic of Vietnam.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    The Geneva accords were signed in July 1954. To withdraw troops from northern Vietnam, French agreed. Vietnam would then be divided at 17th parallel. The elections to reunite the country. The conference intended to settle issues resulting from the Korean War.
  • Kennedy takes over

    Kennedy takes over
    Kennedy established the peace crops Alliance for progress with Latin America. Apollo program with the goal of landing a man on the moon before 1970. Kennedy announced the United States will increase aid to South Vietnam.
  • Johnson and Vietnam

    Johnson and Vietnam
    Johnson was committed to the policy that called upon the United States to block communist expansion. This was taking place in Vietnam. Kennedy was lacked of knowledge and enthusiasm for foreign policy.
  • Prince Sihanouk overthrown

    Prince Sihanouk overthrown
    Sihanouk neutrality in the war ended in 1970. He was ousted in the United States that supported that led by general Lon Nol. He lives in Beijing for the titular head of a government in exile.
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Invasion of Cambodia
    The campaign was a brief series of operations in eastern Cambodia. They were against South Vietnam and the United States. This was an extension for the Vietnam war and the Cambodian civil war.
  • Cooper Church amendment

    Cooper Church amendment
    This was introduced to the United States during the Vietnam war. this was to sough to cut off all funding to American war efforts in Cambodia. Congress restricted deployment of troops during a war.