Educating Australia - Developments in Higher Education Policy

  • Federal Government Announces Bradley Review

    The Federal Government announces a Review of Higher Education to investigate the higher education sector's "fitness" for providing for all Australian students.
  • Bradley Review Gives Interim Report

    The Bradley Review of Higher Education gives an initial response, leading to the Federal Government's announcement of a target of 40 % of 25-34 year olds to be tertiary educated by 2025.
  • Federal Goverment Announces $5.7 Billion for Higher Education "Innovation Reform"

    Then Minister for Education Julia Gillard announces the Federal Government's plan to introduce $5.7 billion in 'innovation reforms' to the higher education sector. Reforms include:
    - Increasig the number of publicly available places by 7.5 per cent, with no cap on the number of Government-funded universities can offer students.
    • Plans for State Governments to each establish an independent Tertiary Education Equality and Standards Agency.
  • Federal Labor's Youth Allowance Reforms

    Legislation to enable an extra 54,000 students receive the maximum rate of Youth Allowance passes. The Parent Income Test threshold is increased from $33,3000 to $44,165.
  • Coalition Youth Allowance Reform Contributions

    Coalition's Youth Allowance reform contributions are accepted, including:
    • The removal of retrospectivity from the Bill.
    • Ensuring a pathway for rural, remote and very remote students by gaining a further $104 million concession from the Federal Government.
    • Guarantee that changes will remain "budget neutral".
  • 2006 Year 12 - Four Years Out Report

    Minister for Higher Education, Mr Peter Hall, present the 'Four Years Out' report to Victorian Parliament, highlighting the Baillieu Government's plan for increased funding plans for regional and disadvantaged students.
  • Student Income Support Review Calls For Submissions

    Following the findings of the Bradley Review of Australia Higher Education, the State Government initiates the Student Income Support Review. The review aims to review the proposed reforms to higher education to benefit rural and disadvantaged students.
  • Liberal Party of Victoria Announces Plans to Increase TAFE Funding

    Vying for office, the Baillieu Opposition promises $20 million for TAFE and universities to increase the rate of tertiary education in regional areas.