transportation 1900-1939 Mark,Brennen,Logan and Scarlett

  • 1900 Fred Fishinger!

    1900 Fred Fishinger!
    Fred Fishinger had the first car in Hilliard mark a
  • In 1908 Henry ford introduced the modle T.

    In 1908 Henry ford introduced the modle T.
    In 1908 Henry Ford introduced the model T, which changed the way that americans were able to travel.
  • a $500 car compared to

    a $500 car compared to
    A $500 car compared to a workers pay in1912 would be like paying $47,000 today
  • In the 1930's a hybrid version of the trakless.

    In the 1930's a hybrid version of the trakless.
    In the 1930's a hybrid version of the trackless trolly came into some cityies.