The Tragedy of Macbeth

  • Act1

    meets the witches
  • Act1

    thinks about murder
  • Act1

    macbeth wants to become king
  • Act1

    Banquos first chamber
  • Act1

    defeats McDonwald
  • Act2

    Lady Macbeth gets the servants drunk so they don't watch the king.
  • Act2

    Macbeth kills the King
  • Act2

    Banquo tells Macbeth that everything the witches say about him is true
  • Act2

    MacDuff tells MacBeth and Lennox to go look in the bedroom and see what happened to the King
  • Act2

    MacDuff tells Ross that MacBeth killed the king and Malcom and Donalbain fled which makes them prime suspects. MacBeth will become king and left to be crowned.
  • Act3

    MacBeth wants to get rid of Banquo
  • Act3

    The three murders kill Banquo and Fleance gets away.
  • Act3

    They all sit down and eat and MacBeth see's a ghost sitting down at the table.
  • Act3

    Lennox knows that MacBeth killed duncan and banquo
  • Act3

    The lord is telling Lennox to try and keep macduff away from scotland
  • Act4

    The two apparation gives macbeth advices
  • Act4

    MacBeth says he will be king for the rest of his life
  • Act4

    MacBeth see's the ghost of banquo again
  • Act4

    Lady MacBeth tells her son that his father had died.
  • Act4

    MacBeth says that he will raid Macduff's castle, seize his town and kill his wife and children and anyone else who gets in his way.
  • Act5

    A gentlewoman has been seeing lady macbeth sleep walking for the past couple of days and called a doctor. Lady macbeth does it again and they be quiet so the woman can show the doctor what she is talking about.
  • Act5

    When lady macbeth sleep walks she talks about murder and blood
  • Act5

    The doctor tells macbeth that his wife is ok but she is having visions that keep her from sleeping.
  • Act5

    MacBeth and everyone prepares for a battle
  • Act5

    MacDuff and MacBeth begin fighting and Macduff returns with his head. Then everyone comes and watches Malcolm be crowned as king of scotland at scone.