
the Vietnam war

  • Ho Chi Mihn declares vietnams independance

    Ho Chi Mihn declares vietnams independance
  • U.S pledges military aid to help the French

    U.S pledges military aid to help the French
  • The Vietnam war began

    The Vietnam war began
  • French leave Vietnam

    French leave Vietnam
  • rebellion from the Viet Cong

    rebellion from the Viet Cong
    The Viet Cong began to rebel against the south Vietnamese government headed by president Ngo dinh Ngo Diem
  • Kennedy is elected President

    Kennedy is elected President
  • south vietnam overthrow

    south vietnam overthrow
    South Vietnamese generals overthrew the Diem government, and Diem was killed the next day
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    Comgress passed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution , which gave the president the power to take all necessary powers and to prevent no further agression.
  • Johnson sent troops

    Johnson sent troops
    President johnson sent troops would begin to leave vietnam
  • tet offensive, nation sours on war

    tet offensive, nation sours on war
    things got out of hand , so the U.S decided to pack up and leave
  • The cease-fire agreement

    The cease-fire agreement
    The U.S, Noth and south vietnam agreed to the cease-fire agreement
  • the last U.S troop left vietnam

    the last U.S troop left vietnam
  • Ford becomes president

    Ford becomes president
  • South vietnam surrendered

    South vietnam surrendered
  • Remaining Americans evacuate vietnam

    Remaining Americans evacuate vietnam