History of oceanography Tabatha Ledesma Micheal Hernandez 6thperiod

  • Jan 7, 1513

    AD ferdinaned magellan

    In 1513 the Spanish
    captain, Ferdinand
    Magellan, circumnavigated
    the globe through a passage
    way at 52° S latitude now
    called the Straights of
  • AD James cook

    AD James cook
    James Cook (1728-1779) Using Astronomy and
    Mathematics he began calculating Longitudes and
    published his findings in the royal Society’s
    Philosophical transactions for 1767 which gained him
    notoriety and several more voyages charting New
    Zealand, East coast of Australia, southern India
    Ocean. South Pacific, rediscovered Easter Island and
    many others along the way.
  • AD Benjamin Franklin

    AD Benjamin Franklin
    Discovering Surface currents
    and therefore in 1777 published
    the first map of the Gulf
  • AD Mathew Maury

    AD Mathew Maury
    US Navy officer who compiled
    Navel Charts and Instrumentations that when
    used, logged, and compiled allowed sailors to
    avoid catastrophic weather conditions,
    currents, and tides.
  • AD challenger expedition

    AD challenger expedition
    First large-scale voyage with the
    purpose of increasing knowledge of the
    distribution of life in the ocean and of
    the chemical and physical properties of
    the ocean
  • Pytheas

    Pytheas is also responsible for contributions to early
    navigation methods that we still use today.
  • bc Eratosthenes

    bc Eratosthenes
    Eratosthenes in 276-192 BC first determined
    the world’s circumference by using
    observations obtained while looking down a
    well on the summer solstice, when the sun is
    directly over head at the Tropic of Cancer.
    He noticed that the well was totally
    illuminated at noon and made several
    mathematical assumptions and calculations
    based on distances of two cities, angles, and
    circumference of a circle.