7th hour project Cailin

  • Jan 4, 776

    Homing pigeons carry messages about the Olympics for Ancient Greeks.-776 BC

    The Greeks conveyed the names of the victors at the Olympic Games via pigeon.
    2. By the 12th century messengers pigeons were used in Baghdad
  • Alexander Grahm Bell invents the telephone, transmitting the sound of the voice clearly over electrical wires.

    1. The telephone coming from th greek "tele" and "phon"
    2. The word telephone has been adapted to many languages and is widely recongnized.
  • First few homes get television sets to watch broadcast programs

    1. John Logie Baird demonstrated televised moving pictures.
    2. It became a fashion statement to have tv antennas on your roof.
  • The first emoticon is used in an E-mail message

    1. The first emoticon ever was written by Kevin Mackenzie
    2. Kevin M. got this idea from a readers digest.
  • Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web.

    1. Tim Berners-Lee is also the director of the World Wide Web Foundation.
    2. Tim had help from Robert Cailiau to create th World Wide Web
  • neanderthal man carves pic on woolly mammoth tooth-45000 B.C.

    1. The pic was carved in the paleolithic era. 2.The tooth was discovered near Tata, Hungary